Thursday, July 31, 2008

At home.

"Sugar" [my nickname.] Coca-Cola [in the glass bottles.] Fish Tanks. Black Labs. Suspenders. Slacks. Slippers. BB Guns. Huntsville. "Blue Money."... These are the things that will forever remind me of him.

Gracious. Giving. Undying love for his wife. Provider. Class. Dignity. Respect. Honor. Integrity. Sense of Humor. Servant's Heart....These are the words that I will always use to describe him.

William Yarbrough, Sr., my dear grandfather, went home to be with his Heavenly Father last month. Pop Pop was proudly the oldest member of his church. He was a handsome man...dressed "to the nines" everyday, every hair combed to perfection. All the ladies swooned to him, and I am sure he didn't mind the company. :). He had a warmth and gentleness about him that I was drawn to. I wish I had known him better. Whenever we had the opportunity to visit with him, he and I always hit it off. I remember walking through the store, hand -in-hand, a couple of years ago. Laughing, talking, sharing. That was a special time.

Pop Pop missed his wife terribly, and i know it brings him joy to be reunited with her for eternity. I am sure he is looking down at his family in complete peace. I hope he is proud of me, as I was certainly proud of him.

We love you and miss you, Pop Pop. Give a hug to Granny for me.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

just a glimpse.

When I look in her eyes, I can see just a glimpse.
A glimpse of our yesterdays, when she was warm in my arms.
A glimpse of her little body, dependent on mine.
A glimpse of her toothless smile, her peach-fuzzed head.
When I look in her eyes, I realize how quickly time flies.

When I look in her eyes, I can see just a glimpse.
A glimpse of this baby of mine becoming a little girl.
A glimpse of her blond curls, which one day she will make straight.
A glimpse of her little chubby feet making long strides.
When I look in her eyes, I see my baby becoming a little girl.

When I look in her eyes, I can see just a glimpse.
A glimpse of her first day of school, her hand holding mine.
A glimpse of her asking Mommy to please stay behind.
A glimpse of her marrying the man of her dreams.
When I look in her eyes, I see all of her tomorrows, waiting to unfold.

Forever. For always. My baby girl so dear.
I look in your eyes and let go of my fear.
You have made me a mother,
So proud and so true.
Anna Grace, my joy, I will forever love you.

I'm back. I am hoping to do updates throughout this week. No explanation why the blog was on hiatus....I have been doing my best to soak up every minute with Anna, as the reality of how quickly this time passes has really set in. By the end of the day, I need time to relax and regroup. (don't we all). I have missed my time of reflection that I was able to have while blogging. So, here I am again.

Sorry if you have been checking in during my absence, but thank you for remaining faithful readers. More to come.

love, shan

Monday, May 12, 2008

and...she's off...

She did it! My baby learned to crawl! On friday evening (May 9th for Baby Book purposes), I was in my room straightening up, and I put Anna on the floor to play. Out of nowhere, she is on her hands and knees crawling into our bathroom. I could not believe it!!!! Of course, the video camera was nowhere to be found at the time...isn't that the way it always works! She has been on the go ever since! i am hoping to catch it on film, so i can share it with you all.

This week will be crazy busy as we try to finish the basement, unpack all the boxes we left down there, get the house ready for Anna's party, make decorations, get all the necessary supplies, etc....all this by Saturday morning. I will update one more time, probably today, before the craziness begins...hopefully I will have a crawling video to share! till then.


Here is what happened while Mommy was on a "blog break." (Not in any particular order.) Enjoy....

Mommy made my pack 'n play into a ball pit. I enjoyed it for about 5 minutes, then, i was bored with it. thank you, mommy.

I really enjoyed playing with my stuffed animals. I have quite the imagination already.

Mommy and I spent a lot of time at the park. I love to swing, especially while sticking out my tongue :).
Daddy took off from work on his birthday so we could all go to the zoo together. Mommy put these sunglasses on my face....I let her take a picture, then ripped them right off!
Mommy kept trying to take my picture, but i was too busy looking at all of the animals.

these pictures are from the day I woke up with curly hair. Mommy was so happy. Silly Mommy.

And, finally, i learned how to hold and use a sippy cup all by myself....although, I still won't drink milk, no matter how many times they try to sneak it to me!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

a blogger's predicament

They say it takes 21 days to form a my case, that is about how long it takes to break a habit. Like blogging, for example. I was on a roll...then, life took over. I cannot sit here and think of all the things that have happened which have taken my time away....but, whatever those things are...they are slowing down, and so, I return. I know you have missed me. Admit it.

Here is my predicament. Do I try and re-live the past few weeks and update you on all the details, or do I simply live for the moment and start over? hmm. To be honest, as I sit here and type, I am not sure. Let's just roll with the punches.

On Dan's birthday, we took Anna to the Baltimore Zoo for the first time. Boy, does this girl LOVE animals! She didn't stop pointing and staring. It was a short-lived trip, as it was probably the hottest day we have had so far this season, and apparently Anna is her mother's daughter and doesn't do well in the heat. However, we stayed long enough to see the polar bears, giraffes, elephants and penguins...oh my. Giraffes seemed to be her favorite. Luckily, we have season passes, so we will be able to visit the beloved animals whenever we choose.

Other Anna news: where to start? My sweet baby girl now has curly hair! little blond ringlets adorn her head. They kind of appeared out of the blue. (obviously the photo above was taken before the curls arrived). She always had texture to her hair, and a bit of curl....but, we were surprised to find her one morning with the curliest hair! I thought it was perhaps the humidity...but, they stuck! I adore them, but I am sure one day I will find her in her room with the straightener. ugh. I will admit, though, that I wish they made a line of baby hair care products, because her hair can be pretty frizzy. Let's see...What else? Anna has eight teeth (not sure if I have mentioned that before), and is becoming more independent. She loves to feed herself finger foods, she entertains herself in the crib for hours (while she should be napping), and although she still isn't crawling, she manages to get to whatever she wants. OH - just today, she pulled herself to a standing position while in the Pack 'N Play. Her favorite thing to do at the moment is to walk around the house holding Mommy and/or Daddy's hands. She smiles and shrieks with delight the entire time. I guess that means I better watch out when she can do it on her own. I think the Lord must be holding it off to make sure I am ready. :).

On a more negative note, my "give-me-food-I-will-eat-anything-with-a-smile" girl, is now my "ew-yuck-i-don't-want-to-eat-that-food-[enter scream here]" girl. What's a mother to do? I cannot be mad at this behavior....if you know me well, then you know where she got it. it just amazes me how quickly her tastes can change. She has been sick with a cough, runny nose and a case of the sneezes for at least 3 weeks now. I am sure it is allergies. The pollen here is ridiculous, our deck is yellow. So, we are keeping the air on, windows closed to try and reduce the allergens. Hopefully, this helps.

On the home front...we are Dan is finally getting some things accomplished around the house. The basement is getting painted, the deck has new furniture, a new hot water heater is being delivered, and the house got measured for new carpet today. Can i get an Amen? though this is all great, it leaves us very busy (and penny-less). I cannot wait until all is done and we can enjoy the hard work.

I have to upload photos, so tomorrow I am planning a "photo only" blog as a way to catch you up...and as a way to show you my beautiful daughter. Aren't mothers supposed to brag? :).

Saturday, April 19, 2008

april 18th.

Happy Birthday, Daniel! To commemorate your birthday, I thought I would share one reason why I love you for each year of life you now celebrate. I love you more than you can ever imagine. You are the best husband one can ask for, the best friend one can pray for and the best father a little girl can dream of. You, my dear husband, are our everything. We love you,
Shannon and Anna Grace

[1.] i love how you put your family's needs above your own [2.] i love the way you work so hard to provide for us [3.] I love your smile [4.] i love how you (literally) drop everything when you come home to give Anna and me lots of hugs [5.] i love your laugh [6.] I love how you do silly dances to make Anna laugh [7.] i love how you help around the house, without me asking [8.] I love how you care for your brothers and sisters [9.] i love how you are driven [10.] i love how you constantly want to learn and grow [11.] i love that you massage my neck and shoulders every night, even though you have "arthritis" [12.] i love that you were able to put yourself through college, and you succeeded with honors [13.] i love that you enjoy family time [14.] i love that i miss you when you are gone [15.] i love that you give Anna a bath, read her stories and say prayers with her, every night [16.] i love playing games with you [17.] i love how you like to talk in bed every night when we go to sleep [18.] i love how you sacrifice your own desires, to give to others [19.] i love the way you make me laugh [20.] i love how you always know when i need a hug [21.] i love that you love the Lord with all your heart [22.] i love how comforting you are [22.] i love that you always help others without complaint [23.] i love your innocence [24.] i love your selflessness [25.] i love you because you are YOU. [26.] I love you because I can respect you [27.] i love you because you are mine. always.

happy birthday, i pray i am with you for 100 more...

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


(to better understand this entry, you may want to read the previous entry entitled, "thank you, Lord.")

I had to chuckle. Grandma's Bible was found open to Psalm 105...which starts by saying, "Oh, give thanks to the Lord." Like i mentioned earlier..that was her heart. Also, she had been looking at her pictures of Anna, she loved her so dearly.

Kathy, Dan's mother, was speaking to grandma on Sunday; and grandma was reminiscing about her life. She stated that "the Lord has given me everything I have asked for." I believe she knew her time here was ending. She was found in her bed, with the radio playing Christian music. Like I said, not a moment passed where her mind and heart were not focused on the Lord. I can only pray that Grandma will watch over Anna and help her to become a woman much like herself.

for grandma.

Here is a song that shares the words of my heart. You will be missed, Grandma. We love you and hope we made you proud.

Words & music by geoff thurman & becky thurman

She sits by the window with wandering eyes
She has a song in her heart
And a golden disguise
Her body is torn because age doesn't heal
Shes not letting on
About the pain that she feels
But she knows in her soul
That it wont be too long
til Jesus comes back
To carry her home...

Where there will be no more pain
No more sorrow
No more waiting
For illusive tomorrows
There will be no more pain
No more dying
No more striving or strain
No more pain

My minds eye remembers the trouble Ive seen
All I have been through,
And how I long to be free
But I learn by her patience that I need her resolve
To wait for the opening of eternities halls
And I know that in time we will stand side by side
When Jesus comes back receiving his bride

Thank you, Lord.

Three small words, with a world of meaning. Dan's grandmother, Anuica (Anna) Lapadat went home to be with her Heavenly Father. The moment I met Grandma, I felt "at home." She studied the Word daily, prayed constantly and worshiped the Lord with each waking moment. Grandma prayed for me and my little girl long before we were in her life. Dan was blessed with her...he was able to have Spiritual guidance, encouragement and a heart full of love since he was an infant. Grandma spoiled him with homemade cookies (which put Pillsbury to shame), candy and affection only a Grandmother can give. They even share a birthday.

Despite the bodily pain Grandma may have felt, the circumstances that the world threw her way and the stresses that come with life; three words were always uttered from her lips ..."thank you, Lord." Every time I spoke with grandma, she ended our conversation with those three words. That was her attitude, her motto, her heart's be thankful. grateful. Close to the heart of the Lord. That is her legacy.

When Dan and I found out we were having a girl, we knew without a doubt that we would name her Anna as a way to show honor and love to Grandma. After all, her prayers helped us to get to this point. When Dan was a teenager, he asked Grandma to stay with us until she held his first child. She stayed with us, and was able to hold Anna numerous times. This brings peace to Dan, and we are so happy that Grandma was able to meet the little girl who will carry her name.

There is no way to write in words the way Grandma will be missed by those who love her. Though sadness and grief will be experienced....I know Grandma is dancing with the King of Kings. She is in no more pain. For this, I say, "Thank you, Lord."

Friday, April 11, 2008


promises are meant to be broken, right? I had intentions of updating and posting pics tonight. then, the reality set in that we must scrub the baseboards in the basement in preparation for painting tomorrow. Believe me, I would much rather be here....

as far as the blog is back to normal. I had some thumbs up...and some thumbs down. A few of you told me it was difficult to, back to the 'ole stomping grounds.

Update, and perhaps a new look, to come sometime this weekend.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


So, it's time for "Spring Cleaning." I decided to freshen-up the page a bit. You may be noticing the background change frequently. I am too indecisive to commit. If things look a bit unfamiliar, do not fear. I am here.

So, new background like?

***update: after looking at this a few times, I am thinking it may be too plain. However, we know the old adage that "less is more." I welcome your comments.***

dancing queen.

If you know my daughter, you know that she is quite the serious little girl....always reserving giggles for special occasions. Well, today we were on a mission: to enjoy this beautiful day, that I must confess, I needed as much as Anna. the car we are; Mommy cranked the dance music, opened the sunroof, and put on her shades. (and let's not forget the best part: i was wearing flip-flops.), that's the makings of a perfect day. While we were traveling, i hear Anna cracking up. this, my friends, does not happen on a regular basis. I turn around to see her dancing like crazy, and just having a joyful time. Where is the camera when you need it? Anna is such a ray of sunshine. She brightens up every day. I am so happy she has developed a love of music, I really look forward to all the many more "dance parties" we will share together.

I have much updating to do, but you will have to hang on one more night. Anna has been sick for quite a while, and is finally on the road to recovery. This has left Mommy (me) feeling tired and spent. Hence, why I haven't taken the time to update the blog. All that to say, tonight I will dedicate my time to a bowl of popcorn , "The Office," and just being lazy. Sounds dreamy.

'Till and updates to come.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

pot of gold.

on a brighter note...I officially broke out the flip-flops today. can I get an "amen?"

full moon?

So, in effort to bring you "into my world," i thought i would let you know that since the aforementioned tantrum at the mall, Anna has since had 2 more blown-out tantrums today. One at home and one while swinging at the park.

beautiful day, isn't it?


Today, Anna had her first real temper tantrum in public. I really cannot believe that babies at her age have is crazy! To all you mommies with newborns...start counting to 10 now! :). We were at the mall, playing in the play area. She just loves this...however, lately, I think she is getting more and more frustrated because she wants to play with all the other children, and she is still not mobile. [side note: Anna is so friendly...the entire time we are playing, she keeps herself occupied by waving at strangers....over and over and over again ]. So, we were playing for a good 20 minutes, and then it was time to go. When I went to put her in the stroller....IT happened. She arched her back, kicked and screamed. I must say I was proud of how I handled, calm and collected. This time, anyways. i just ignored the behavior after giving a stern "no" and let her do her thing. The tantrum didn't last long, a minute at the longest...but, i suppose that is a milestone....not a very pleasant one, but it had to happen some day. I know it is April Fool's Day and all...but, this is no joke :).

In other Anna news...she is teething like crazy! Just the other day when we were getting Anna ready for bed, we saw another tooth on the top. That makes 7 total teeth. I believe she is starting to get her molars which is causing her quite a bit of pain and distress. The pain makes her cranky, restless and miserable. Her nose has been running for a good month now. Thank God for the makers of Infant Motrin. My other saving grace has been "The Wiggles." Like i mentioned in a previous post, Anna is borderline obsessed with the Wiggles. [she especially loves Henry the Octopus and Wags the Dog]. Have you ever seen a 10 month-old have the attention span to watch television for 30 minutes without moving. That is my daughter....well, she dances, but otherwise sits still and stares. Yesterday was a horrible teething day. She was screaming from the time she woke up. Wouldn't eat. Wouldn't play. So, after a good hour of Anna screaming at the top of her lungs, I put the Wiggles on (thank you, Tivo), and she was silent. Started dancing like nothing was wrong. Yes, Yes...I know what some of you are thinking...TV isn't the answer. To those, I say....feel free to come over and babysit...i will have the remote ready.

Friday, March 28, 2008

all i needed to know, i learned at the mall

So, last week I decided to get out by myself (which has only happened a handful of times in 10 months) and get a new outfit for Easter. I deserved it, right? Well, a big store that I will not mention, Old Navy, was having a huge 2-day sale. From my brief excursion...this is what I learned:

1. I would much rather be at home with my husband and daughter than out at a mall by myself.
2. Going to a mall on a Friday night, is much like entering a high school cafeteria. Full of teenage cliques, picking on one another and being entirely too loud...standing in big groups so that you cannot maneuver around them gracefully. Oh, and also...they do not understand the words "Excuse Me", "Are you in line", "watch out" or "move." Not to mention, they walk slower than any 96 year-old woman I have ever met.
3. I hate malls.
4. I hate shopping for clothes.
5. I do not want Anna to grow up and become like those I mentioned in number 2.
6. I hate 2-day sales. I would much rather pay full price than sift through the mountain of clothing that has fallen on the floor because people are too lazy to pick up after themselves.
7. I don't really like being by myself. Not in a mall anyways.
8. Size is just a number, until that number no longer fits. Then, size is something that will haunt you in your sleep.
9. I walk too fast, or everyone else walks too slow. You decide.
and finally, 1o. I finally understand why my mother didn't want me hanging out at the mall on a Friday night with my friends. I was one of them. thank God for sanctification. :)

So, next time you are in a mall on a Friday night....don't say I didn't warn you.

10 months

Dear Baby Girl,

You have been 10 months old for a week now. WOW. Mommy hasn't been feeling well, so it has taken me awhile to write you your birthday message. I cannot believe what a big girl you are! You have been learning so much these past few weeks. You are making Mommy and Daddy giggle and beam with pride! You are such a sweet and beautiful little girl. When we were at church on Sunday, a woman said that she could tell you had a sweet soul. I agree with her. The Lord certainly has plans for you, Anna Grace.

You have 6 teeth now. They are coming fast and furiously....not giving you a break! You are a trooper, but I know it hurts. You have 4 teeth on the bottom, and 2 on the top! You have been eating all your foods so well. Everyone comments on what an awesome eater you are! There hasn't been one food you will not eat. You didn't like peas at first, but now, you even eat your peas! The newest thing you like to eat is cheese! yummy. Other favorites are sweet potatoes, pears, lasagna and macaroni and cheese. Sometimes Mommy and Daddy give you chicken and you can feed yourself. What a big girl! You love to eat, especially before eat about 3 or 4 jars of food!

You are sleeping well now, too. You like to go to bed at 7:30pm and you wake up around 6:30am. You take 2 naps each day. Mommy is so happy that you have learned to sleep so well. Your favorite thing to do when you wake up is to watch "The Wiggles." Mommy tries to not let you watch television, but I let you watch this show. You love the music, and you like to bounce and dance while they sing! The Easter Bunny brought you a "Wiggles" CD for Easter, and you danced in the car while Mommy played it for you! Mommy is so happy that you love music.

You love to play with your toys. Your favorite toys right now are a train with animals, a farm with animals and anything that rattles! The train moves on it's own and you love to bounce to the music it plays and watch it move on the carpet. You also like to play with balls. You learned how to throw the ball to Mommy and Daddy over the weekend... how fun! One of your favorite things to do these days is to take out all the books that Mommy has in your basket. You just love books! You put them all around you, and you look like you are in a book-nest! :). You get on your hands and knees often, like you want to crawl...but, you get frustrated too easily and give up. You can do it, Anna. Don't give will get it one day, and you will have Mommy chasing you all over the house!

I love you so much little girl. You have entered my life, turned it upside down and it will never be the same again... i would never want it to be. The joy you bring my heart is immeasurable and the smiles you bring my soul are countless. keep growing and learning... you will be all you want to be. Mommy and Daddy will always love you and always be proud of you. Shoot for the moon!


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

an angel He makes.

Sara Yorty, my suite-mate my freshman year of college at PBU...and friend throughout my remaining years there.. had been declared missing since Sunday. She told her family she was going hiking, and never returned home. Her body was found on Tuesday along the Susquehanna River near Three Mile Island in Lancaster County, Pa. If you google her name, you can find the latest news articles, as they are updating them frequently. The latest report shows that she died of multiple traumatic injuries and hypothermia. She suffered a broken pelvis and multiple bruises. There is no sign of drowning. There was no ruling on the manner of her death, and the coroner is awaiting toxicology and police reports to make the final determination.

Please pray for her family daily, as I cannot imagine the extent of their grief.

Sara, your sweet spirit will always be remembered and missed. You shared your heart with us, and those times are cherished...I will not forget the many times we spent laughing together! May you find comfort in the arms of your Father. I know you are at peace now...we grieve that we cannot spend more time with you here on Earth...but, rejoice that we will be with you once again in Heaven.

Monday, March 17, 2008


I have been feeling rather uninspired. Between Anna's (constant) teething, household chores which I have too readily avoided and just "life" getting in the way, blogging hasn't been a priority. Well, folks, ready or not... here I come. It has been a long time... or so it seems.

Last week, I decided to look "just for fun" at vacation rentals in the Outer Banks. Dan and I have been talking and debating about whether or not a summer vacation should be in the works for us this year. We are cautious because of the change in Dan's employment, not to mention the stresses of traveling with a (soon to be) toddler. Despite the possible stresses, we realize that a vacation is just what the doctor ordered...even if it won't be until September! :). As I was browsing the web, I found a really cute villa for rent in "Corolla Light Resort." It was so cute, clean and new. It has 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms (with jetted tubs), it is beach front (650 ft. to the ocean), has a deck with a grill, comes with a kayak...and the cherry on top? a private hot tub! Also, there are 5 pools (2 of which will be heated in September), a gym (like I will be at the gym?), and all the other resort- type amenities. I emailed the realtor and there was only ONE week left for the season. September 7-14...and, well...we booked it! Made our deposit, and I am thrilled. We were looking to go somewhere that we could drive to, as I certainly didn't want to deal with airplane travel, and we found it! Now we will have to rent a car big enough to handle us, our luggage, and all the necessary baby "stuff." A crib is included in the villa, so at least that is one less thing we will need.

In that last paragraph, i mentioned the change in Dan's employment. It is "officially official!" Today he began his journey as an Independent Consultant. The lawyer has looked through his contract, and I am so thankful he has something he is excited about in his career. When his future business partners begin their work as consultants, then the company will get going. Their name is Convergent Principles Consulting. for now. :).

As far as my employment as "domestic engineer"...I think (no, I know) i am not living up to my potential. I have been in a "funk." My life is just as I had dreamed, yet, i am having a hard time finding motivation to just get going. I am just always tired. It seems the more Anna sleeps, the more tired I become. It's strange. I am thinking I should go get a check-up or physical, perhaps this is health-related. My body (neck, back, shoulder) is in pain most of the time, and it just makes me physically exhausted. When I go to the doctor, they blow me off saying there is nothing they can do until I stop nursing. I feel like the doctors aren't believing me. When things slow down, I am making an appointment with my mother's doctor, because she is familiar with all my mom's aches and pains, and can perhaps see if this is genetic. Whatever it sucks. (to be blunt). I want to have the energy to make my house a home, to play with Anna, and to do things for me, like scrapbook and read. I want Anna to have an energetic, vivacious, social and fun mommy. Right now, I am not that. Something needs to change.

Anna. She is such a beautiful little girl, if I do say so myself. Yes, I realize I am biased, but seriously... look at her. :). She has 5 teeth which are visible (four on the bottom, one on top). She continues to teethe, I just can't see the little pearly whites yet. Her nose is running like crazy and boy is she a cranky-pants.....I don't blame her, though. She seems to be getting a bunch of teeth in a short amount of time. She is becoming more vocal, babbling all the time. I just love hearing her wake up and talk to her stuffed animals. She says "Mama" and "Baba" like a pro. I think she is saying "baba" in place of "dada". Whenever I talk about daddy or say "DADA"...she echoes by saying "baba." She doesn't use a bottle or anything else that we would call baba. So, either it is simply a noise she has learned to make, or she is trying to say hi to daddy. Either way, it is cute. :) Still not crawling or walking, but in her own time. She has reached other developmental milestones, so now is not the time to worry. Anna has completely filled our hearts and our lives with the most intense feeling of love and joy. She is a gift to be cherished each day. My prayer is that I will NEVER, EVER take her for granted. Life is too short, and she is growing too fast!

Last night, Dan moved everything in the basement to make room for painting. Our goal is to have this done by Anna's birthday party. We have no more room. at. all. So, I volunteered to clean the baseboards and prep the walls (what was I thinking). We have picked out our colors, and now it is a matter of time (which there is never enough of).

Speaking of time...I am out of it, Anna is now awake from her morning nap :).

Happy St. Patty's Day to all you fellow Irish folk. Hope your day is a good one.

P.S - to those to whom I owe an e-mail, you are not "funk" got the best of will hear from me soon. or, at least that's the plan. :)

Friday, March 7, 2008

maybe not.

Seems the name chosen in the post below has been given a second thought. It may be no longer.

Tomorrow, Dan will be attending the funeral of his childhood pastor. From what I have heard, he was a giving, supportive and God-fearing man. The funeral is in PA, so I will stay home with Anna. Our prayers are with Pastor Alaimo's family as they grieve their loss, and celebrate his life.

Thursday, March 6, 2008


the name has been chosen.

Convergent Principles Technology LLC

CPT, for short.

let the games begin...

what's in a name?

A few posts ago, I mentioned that Dan was talking about beginning his own company with three of his friends. Well, folks, the adventure has officially begun. On Monday, Dan quit his 9-5 and will begin working for himself in 2 weeks....well, closer to one week now. He has been commissioned to work on a project that he is really excited about, and for that we are very grateful. Last night, they (Dan and his business partners..that sounds so strange!) were all on Instant Messenger (for two hours) trying to come up with a creative, meaningful, [and available] company name. What is it, you may ask? No clue. After two hours of flip-flopping, no decision was made, and now they have resorted to naming their top three and letting the majority rule. Tomorrow, Dan begins the paperwork and heads to the courthouse to gain licenseship, (is that a word?..probably not). Again, we will be coveting your prayers throughout this time of change, risk and transition.

Anna update... She is sleeping awesomely! She sleeps anywhere from 7:30 - 8pm through the night until 6-6:30am. Yes, I am counting my lucky stars as we had been on the flip side for far too long. She finally "got it." A lot of rough nights sleeping on her floor have paid off. Nap times are great too. They vary in length, but she takes them twice a day. yippee. Anna is very clingy with Mommy. She has to be on my lap, attached to my hip, or within direct view of my being at all times. Yes, there are times when her "mama"'s are endearing...but, I am waiting with great anticipation for the day that she cries "Dada." The three teeth that have been bothering her for the past few weeks have finally cut through, and I believe, she has been provided some relief in that arena. Anna is a very sweet baby to strangers. She now loves to wave to people while we are in the car, at a cash register, in the grocery store...if we go there, she is waving. It is so sweet...but, I gotta tell you...not too many people wave back. my southern roots would say..."Yankees!" She is still shy; a wave she will give...but, a smile, she still reserves.

P.S - Aunt Lamonte and Cousin Tracy...I will be e-mailing you sometime this weekend...sorry it has taken a while. :).

Sunday, March 2, 2008

For Paxton.

On Friday night, a sweet baby girl, Paxton, went home to be with the Lord. I did not know Paxton, and I did not know her family; still her life song has touched my heart loudly. Paxton was born on November 27, 2007 with a seizure disorder and suffered greatly until the Lord took her home and made her an angel. Her mother created an online journal during her daughter's hospital stay. She spoke with such grace, courage and strength. She told her baby girl that if she saw Jesus, to run to Him with all of her might. That must be one of the greatest acts of sacrifice and selflessness I can imagine.

Paxton spent most of her latter days hooked up to tubes and machines. Her mother was able to bathe and hold her little girl without those wires when she said goodbye. Paxton stopped breathing numerous times, and her mother said she waited for her family to be "ready" to finally breathe her last breath.

I cannot begin to understand the Lord's reason for taking such a precious life from Earth. However, I do know that her short-lived life has spoken to many hearts, and her legacy will touch lives for years to come. Her time here was not spent in vain.

Please pray for her parents, Jennifer and Lacey, along with their other children. Paxton's mommy and daddy loved her more than life, and I can only imagine that it will take strength more than life to get through this time and begin to heal.

Paxton, you will be missed both by those who knew you, and by those who only knew of you. You are a sweet angel now, watch over your Mommy and Daddy...they need you now, just like they needed you while you were in their arms.

God Bless.

Friday, February 29, 2008

leap year.

happy leap year from a raspberry-blowing, teeth-popping, rosy-cheeked, blue-eyed Anna Grace. This weekend's plan is to start working on the basement and painting trim. Yes, this is about the 30th weekend that we have "planned" on working on the basement. Maybe by next leap year we will be complete???

Thursday, February 28, 2008


It seems I should have named my daughter "Anna Hoover Lapadat," as she is certainly the best vacuum I have ever owned :). I set her on the living room floor amongst literally a dozen toys. What does she find to play with? The smallest crumbs or pieces of "yuck" that our vacuum missed during it's last go-round. Anna will lay on her belly and just pick at the carpet. Even more reason new carpet must be in our near you, honey... ;)

Ugh. teething. My heart breaks for my little girl. She has three teeth that are so close to coming out, but are taking their good 'ole time. She is certainly one to let Mama know when she isn't happy. But, do you really blame her? ouch! This week has been a hard one, and I hear I haven't seen anything just wait for her molars. Oh, geez. I just pray that I can be a patient, understanding and nurturing mother while she screams her pain away.

T.G.I.F....tomorrow. I need this weekend like Anna needs Oragel. desperately.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

happy (belated) 9 month birthday, Anna.

Anna at 1 week old:

Anna at 9 months old:
[Can you believe Mommy forgot to write a birthday message to you on her blog? I am so sorry. Well, here it is 5 days late, so let's pretend that I wrote this on your birthday, OK? OK!]

My Sweet Anna,
As I sit here and write to you, Daddy is reading you your bedtime story. I believe I hear him reading "The very hungry caterpillar." That book is one of your favorites. We had to start bedtime early tonight because it seems you are feeling pretty miserable, and just want to sleep. You have three teeth coming in all at once! i know that hurts, little one. Mommy is trying her best to help you feel better. Bear with me, I am new at this as well. :).

I cannot believe that it has been nine months since I met you for the first time. Nine months since the first time I held you in my arms, heard your cry, saw your beautiful eyes. Nine months since I felt your soft skin, kissed your sweet cheeks and tickled your little feet. It has been nine months since I was given the title of Mother...and nine months since you became my most precious, loved, cherished and adored daughter. It feels like this has been my life forever, and yet, it feels brand new all at once. I am sure when you are a Mommy, you will understand what that means.

Mommy and Daddy are so in love with you. Your sweet smile has made many bad days seem brighter. Your unconditional love for us is our most undeserved gift. You wave hello to Daddy every morning when he comes in to get you, and it always helps him to start his day with a smile. The Lord made you perfectly, Anna Grace, and I cannot imagine life to be any more sweet. So, Happy Nine Months....and I look forward to many, many, more birthdays with you!

Mommy (and Daddy)

Saturday, February 23, 2008


This was sent to me a while ago, but I forgot to post it. It's sentiments are what my heart feels...if you are a mother, than I am sure you feel the same way. enjoy your Saturday.

Before I was a Mom;
I never learned the words to a lullaby.
I never thought about immunizations.
I had never been puked on,
Pooped on,
Drooled on,
Chewed on,
Peed on…….
I had complete control of my mind and my thoughts.
I slept all night.

I never looked into teary eyes and cried.
I never got gloriously happy over a simple little grin.
I never sat up for hours watching a baby sleep.

I never felt my heart break into a million pieces when I couldn't stop the hurt.
I never knew that something so small could affect my life so much.
I never knew that I could love someone so much.
I never knew I would love being a Mom.
Before I was a Mom - I didn't know the feeling of having my heart outside my body.

I didn't know that bond between a mother and her child.
I didn't know that something so small could make me feel so important and happy.

I had never known the warmth, the joy, the love, the heartache, the wonderment or the satisfaction of being a Mom.
I didn't know I was capable of feeling so much before I was a Mom.

Friday, February 22, 2008

another tooth, makes 3

So, while Dan was brushing Anna's teeth (well...gums), he found the reason for Anna's week long fussiness....she has another tooth! It is just poking through. It is on the top this time, but not in the center. Funny, I always thought the center teeth came through first. Leave it up to Anna to be different. :). I am sure she will look adorable...but I am biased. I hope the worst of the pain is over, and that she starts to feel better.

Anna is doing great at bedtime. She now wakes up only once or twice during the night, and Dan rushes in to give her a pacifier, and she is able to put herself back to sleep. YAY! Nap times have been a bit rough this week...but, now I am realizing that perhaps it is because of her new tooth. She has discovered sleeping on her stomach during nap time. Anna has actually discovered sleeping in many different contorted positions at nap time. Never during the night, however. When she naps, she sleeps sideways in the crib, on her stomach...her head resting against the crib rails. I wish we still had the crib bumper on so she doesn't hit her head during her flips, but apparently it is a "no-no." All that to say, she is a silly girl, who is getting more "grown-up" with each new day. I am not sure that I am ready for all the changes that are in our immediate future. I cherish these "baby days"; and although I am anticipating great things ahead, I don't want to lose sight of yesterday. Each day that passes is bittersweet for me. I am excited for our future with Anna, but I want to hold on to each day and not let go. ever.

by the way....tonight, she took a bath in her new tub. That's what the picture is for :).

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

9 month check-up

Yesterday, Anna had her 9 month check-up with her new pediatrician, Dr. Gordon. All went well. She is 21 lbs (and 10 oz), and 28 3/4 inches. She went from "being off the charts" to now being in the 90% percentile in both height and weight. Doc reassured us that it is fine if she is not yet crawling and/or walking. He stated that he will not be concerned until 12- 18 months. Anna was sweet and flirted with the nurse, however, she seemed anxious of the doctor and screamed throughout his entire examination. He told me she was singing.....sure. He assured us that she was happy, healthy and growing right on target. The best news of the day was that she is up to date on her shots until her 12 month check up! Yippee...I thought shots were on the agenda, so I (and Anna) were relieved to go home, shot free!

I discussed with Dr. Gordon that I thought perhaps Anna was self-weaning. He said at this age they typically do not wean, and he offered that my milk supply may be low, and Anna doesn't want to "work" for her feedings. So, he wrote me a prescription for Reglan, which is typically a reflux med, and I am to take it for 3 weeks to increase my supply. To be honest with you, I was really hoping he would tell me I did great for 9 months, and that I can now resort to formula.
nope. He said that since it is Winter, and there are viruses to be caught, that breastfeeding is still the best option. And so, here we go again. I have to nurse her 8 times a day. I am feeling disappointed because I was finally feeling like Anna and I had a bit more "freedom" and now, here we are again, on a strict nursing schedule. As long as it is for her, I will do it. I would do anything for that little girl.

As for our family, we are entering what may be a new phase in our lives, more specifically in terms of Dan's career. To make a long and complicated story short, he and three friends (and former co-workers) are talking seriously about starting their own company. He would start off as an independent contractor working on government projects, and they would come together to form an equally-owned company. This opportunity seems to have "fallen" on their laps, and all doors seem to be open. Though it is scary, the possibilities far outweigh the potential risk. On Saturday, we (his friends, and all the wives), met together to discuss logistics, details, and aspirations. We left feeling anxious, nervous and most of all excited.

For as long as I have know Dan, his career goal has been to own his own company, be his own boss, and work with people he can respect, trust and learn from. Looks like his dreams may be unfolding within the next few years. Please pray that we would be wise, not make hasty decisions and that we think with a level head. It is easy to rush into a situation which looks perfect. Please pray that the decisions we make will line up with the Lord's will, and that Dan's employment will remain secure as we transition.

Side Note: We officially retired Anna's swing. This small step made me quite sad. She is growing so quickly, and is turning more and more into a "big girl" with each passing day. So, goodbye served us well. Now...what toys to move into the seemingly "empty" corner in the living room......

Friday, February 15, 2008

Week in Review.

Before biter biscuit:

After Biter Biscuit:

This was just one of those know, runny noses, sneezes, fevers, fussiness and sleepless nights...and that was just me! Our week started well, we met some other mommies at the mall for a "Walk 'N Talk." Well, don't ya know...I walked and caught a cold. I started feeling sick that night, and it got worse throughout the week. Dan had to stay home on Wednesday to watch Anna, and he even took her to story time at the library. He spoiled me with magazines, treats and chicken soup...just what the doctor ordered! I am happy to report that today I feel well, and I think that I (and my family) have recovered. :).

Tomorrow we are *finally* picking out paint colors for our (much desired) basement project. We are simply running out of room for Anna and her toys in the living room, and it is time to expand! I am so excited to use our basement, it is a great room with a beautiful fireplace, and it is just begging to be lived-in. We just aren't looking forward to the actual painting...ugh.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

My Funny Valentine

To my dear Husband,
Thank you for all you do for our family. You work hard every day in order to provide a happy and healthy home. You are generous, gracious and supportive. You love your wife and your daughter in an honorable and Christlike way. You have made it possible for me to raise our daughter, and have not once complained about the sacrifice. My prayer for Anna is to find a man like you to love her. Then I know her husband will love her unconditionally, wholeheartedly and without limits.

To my dear Anna Grace,
You are a joy. You have filled my heart, and daddy's heart, with immeasurable happiness, fulfillment and gratitude. You give me giggles, smiles and satisfaction every day. Observing you grow has been the greatest gift of Grace. We are undeserving. You are my dreams come true.

Shannon (A.K.A. Mommy)

Sunday, February 10, 2008

She naps!

If there is one thing you know from reading my's that Anna and I have struggled with her nap times. Well, more! I don't know what "clicked," but for the past few days...Anna has consistently gone down for her nap time (awake) without crying! We read a story, and then I place her in her crib. She plays for a few minutes, and then drifts off on her own. Seriously...this is BIG! I used to dread nap time, and so did Anna. She would scream for hours if I would let her. Now, the most she fusses is 2 minutes. I think what has helped is that I am now giving her a blankie. You are not "supposed" to give a baby a blanket for the first year, but Anna is able to move it from her face, and I feel safe giving it to her. I monitored her closely for the first few naps, and she never had trouble with it. I believe this has made the biggest difference for her. Praise the Lord...He must of known I needed a break!

On Saturday, Dan's brother and his wife (Matt and Afton) came to visit. We had a nice time in fellowship together. Dan and I feel so blessed to have them in our lives, they are great friends and awesome family. Since Anna was an infant, she was drawn to Afton. She gives her free smiles and cuddles. I love watching Anna get to know her family.

It is Valentine's week, and there are lots of play group activities scheduled. Let's hope Anna is feeling well and we are able to attend. Have a great week, everyone.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

pom -poms

Anna is still sick. It has been about a week since the runny nose and sad tears began, so I am thinking if she is still not well tomorrow, i will call her doctor. Although I secretly love the extra hugs and sweet cuddles...I am ready for this to be over. It was 75 degrees today, and we weren't able to enjoy the day because Anna was feeling so miserable; we also missed a pretty fun Mommy 'n Me event. Still no progress on Anna's mobility...I have been trying to put her on her hands and knees, but she is obviously not ready and isn't sure what to do. So, we will keep practicing and enjoying her baby days....gosh, will they fly by!

Speaking of her baby days flying, we are now (already) planning her first birthday party! I am making the Save the Date cards this week. I know, Save the date cards for a birthday?! Yes, but for a good cause. Most of Dan's brothers work on the weekends, so they need advanced notice in order to request off of work. I have so many ideas for her party. Inspiration started with these:

...tissue paper pom-poms. i love Martha Stewart....okay...well, at least her crafts. Anna's party will be a garden theme....full of flowers, handmade paper pinwheels and fun! i cannot wait.

Not much else to report as it has been a slow week due to Anna's bug. Dan is still stressed at work, and we are happy that he will be taking Friday off (since he worked Sunday). I hope we are able to relax and not run too many errands. Dan's brother, Matt and his wife, Afton are visiting Saturday. Saturday is also the day my brother and sister-in-law move into their new home. Sorry we can't help out!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

she waves!

Today, Anna waved for the first least I think it was intentionally :) Let's see if she keeps it up! I am so proud. (Yes, I do realize that it looks like she is just flailing her arms, but if you turn on your will see that she waves when I say "Hi Anna")....enjoy

Saturday, February 2, 2008


For the past few days, Anna has been dealing with a bit of a cold. Like her daddy, she likes a lot of attention and extra love when not feeling well. :). Life has been full, not too many moments to spare. Today, Dan's parents and his brother, Dave, came to visit. We had a nice time together and Anna had fun getting to know her family better. She especially seemed fond of her Uncle Dave, whom she often shared smiles with. I must say I am so in love with this little girl. When others are tending to her, and I have the opportunity to simply observe Anna, I am just so awestruck at this little miracle of mine. I love how sweet she is. Her Nana was feeding her Cheerios, and Anna kept trying to share them with her. (I will post pics of their visit at a later date).

Crawling. Well, Anna is just not ready yet, it seems. I was worried because I have friends whose children are already crawling (and are younger than Anna). As I have been researching into this subject, I learned that many babies simply don't crawl, and will one day just start walking. I think for Anna, it stems from the fact that she is strictly a back sleeper, and has been since Day #1. She has always hated "tummy time." Though she has had much time on her tummy, I am not sure she has had enough endurance to gain strength to hold herself up. When speaking to Dan's mom today, she informed me that only a few of her 6 children crawled! Dan did not crawl as a baby, and he started walking late. Maybe it is hereditary? In any case, this brought me relief to know that Anna is fine in her development, and when she is ready she will take off! (and when that happens, I will probably wonder why I wanted her mobility so quickly).

Dan has to work tomorrow...ugh...and then we are headed to a Superbowl party. Who am I rooting for, you may ask? Well, let's be honest...I could care less about the Superbowl. I could care less about the commercials. However, there will be other babies there for Anna to play with, and I am sure there will be good food to sample :). So, I hope Anna is feeling well and can enjoy her time...(her time will be short, however, since we have to stick with Anna's bedtime routine).

Also, Congratulations Bill and Sarah on your new home. I cannot wait to see it, I hear it is beautiful.

Monday, January 28, 2008


Today, Anna and I attended our first playgroup. I was intimidated, but decided to take the plunge and just go! I am so glad I did. There were about 8 of us moms, and babies/kiddies galore. We met at the mall and played in the play area, and then had lunch. Poor Anna was the only one who has yet to crawl, so it was harder for her to interact with the loose cannons (aka children). I believe she enjoyed watching, and every once in a while a baby would crawl over to say hello...or steal her binky. I overcame my shyness quickly to interact with the other Mommies...It is amazing how having a child will give you so much in common with a stranger! Anna did well, and so did I. Here are some photos from today:

Sunday, January 27, 2008

baby blues.

Look at those little girl's eyes. Dan and I were trying to figure out where she got such beautiful blue eyes. We both have hazel eyes; blue on occasion, but certainly nothing that compares to our daughters'. As I think about each characteristic, both physically and emotionally, that Anna has been given, I stand in awe at the Creation of our Savior. The puzzle pieces that fit together so carefully and intentionally to form such a precious little one. It is so amazing to think that before time, the Lord destined for Dan and I to meet, marry and give life to His little Anna Grace. Her name suits her...she truly is a gift of mercy and grace. His plan is perfect, His Creations are perfect, and our sweet gift of Grace is perfect.

As you look into the eyes of those you love, may you marvel at the gifts the Lord has so richly blessed you with. Have a great week.

Friday, January 25, 2008


A Mother's Woman's job is tough. Really tough. I grew up with dreams of being a mother. In my mind's eye there could be nothing better. Along with dreams of being a mother, I had dreams of staying at home with my child full-time. I was never one who desired to pursue a career, working 9-5, bringing home the "bacon." I knew, from the start, that God desired for me to have children and raise them in His ways. What I didn't know was how hard the job was. I didn't receive a degree in "Motherhood." I didn't even take a course in "Motherhood." I didn't realize that every day I would question my ability. I didn't realize the astounding responsibility that comes with the title of "Mother."

Becoming a stay at home mother is the realization of my hopes and dreams. My husband works hard every day to provide for our family so that I can have the luxury of raising our daughter. I have prayed since the day I thought about having children that the Lord would bless me by allowing me to raise my (His) children. So, why then, do I have days that seem so difficult? Days that I question this "career." (And yes, it is a career). [ see this article if you don't believe me] There are days that I feel so isolated and alone, even though the joy of my life is with me 24/7. I miss the confidantes I made at work, the friendships, the laughter. I miss getting dressed, doing my hair, feeling like a professional. I miss the independence. My life has been turned upside-down these past eight months. And despite all these whiplash changes, or perhaps because of them, I do desperately miss certain aspects of the "old me". I feel like I have nothing to share, as my world has at once become quite big and very small. Although I miss certain things, I wouldn't change my life if I could.

I bring this up because I was reminded today of a debate I once saw on Oprah. Working mothers vs. Stay at-home moms. First of all, why are we wasting our breath debating one another, when the choice is a difficult and personal one for each family. I cannot imagine having to leave my child at a day care center each day. I cannot imagine missing the simple moments with Anna, the smiles and giggles. The silly faces and even the tears. It would pain me daily to not be with her. However, I do have moments that I could use some "adult time." So, I believe the debate will always continue. Working moms will always envy full-time mothers because they are saddened by the time they miss with their children. Stay at home mothers will always envy Working Moms for the adult time, friendship and independence they attain. The fact is "the grass is always greener," but that doesn't mean your lawn isn't perfect for you and your family.

I hope I did not sound negative in this blog, as that was not my intention. I simply wanted to applaud all women who choose a path that they believe is best for their family. Whether it be to continue in their career, or to put their career on hold to raise their families...each choice is difficult, and demands sacrifice which is not always easy. For me, raising Anna is the most rewarding career that I could have chosen. Although there are days that I want to quit, or at least have a lunch break :), I know that I am blessed beyond measure to be given the gift of raising my child. For those women who work (outside the home), i simply do not know how you do it. You are honored, and I wish I could give each one of you a good nap!

Anna Banana

Not much of a blog, just wanted to share some pictures. Today, I gave Anna a cut-up banana for the first time. Despite loving her banana puffs, banana baby food and even banana in her oatmeal, she did not care for banana in it's natural state. Notice the before and after:

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Keep your chin up.

Yesterday, Anna had her first "incident." We went out to dinner, and as usual, we placed Anna in the highchair. Keep in mind that in this particular restaurant, the tables were slate (or some other type of stone) and the tables were low....just the right height to reach Anna's head. Do you know where I am going with this...? Well, Anna was very excited and bouncing up and down in her highchair (I am convinced she was dancing). Too cute. We had her pushed in a bit, so that she could reach the table and eat her fruit puffs. Just as I said to Dan, "We need to pull her highchair out a bit, she is going to hit her head...." you guessed it. She banged her chin on the table. I watched it happen, in what seemed to be slow motion. I felt so horrible. She sat still for a second...and then she let out a shout! ouch, i certainly don't blame her. The tears were flowing (and I was on the brink of tears, as well), her nose was running and the cheeks were red. I know... she looked pathetic! I walked her around in hopes to distract her, and my tough cookie got herself together in no time!

Today, we went to the mall and played in the new, indoor play area. I think Anna had fun watching the other kiddos run around. We met another baby, Violet, and Anna put her arms around her! In return, Violet kept trying to pull out Anna's binky. Oh my gosh, was that cute! I was hoping to maybe have Anna and Violet get together to play, but Violet's mom took off in a hurry. Tomorrow, Anna and I will attempt to go to our first playgroup. However, it is during her normal nap time, so if i can't get her down early, I think we may not be able to make it. Wish us luck, I am really hoping to go.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Daddy's Home.

There are days, like today, that Anna wakes up a different baby, seemingly learning new things in her sleep. Today, Anna kept opening her mouth and leaning in towards my face. Either she was trying to give me kisses, or bite my face off. I certainly hope she was going for kisses not flesh! Boy, can she melt my heart.

Secondly, she is starting to show emotion when Dan leaves for work and comes home. Every day, we wait at the door for Dan to walk up the steps and greet us. Today was trash day, so Dan had to take the trash cans around to the back. When we saw Dan, Anna got the biggest smile on her face, and started kicking her legs. Dan did not see her yet, because he was tending to the trash. When he walked away from our view, Anna started crying. When he appeared again, so did her smile.

It is so amazing how babies can learn, change and develop overnight. There are so many days I take the small changes for granted, but today, Anna reminded me that she is most certainly growing up, whether I notice the changes or not.

(okay, now I am taking "Mommy time" AKA "American Idol). Goodnight.

Monday, January 21, 2008

My darling.

Dear Sweet Pea,

Today is your eight-month birthday. You are growing bigger and wiser with each new day. I feel like time has flown by, while at the same time, I feel like you have been in our lives forever. I cannot imagine my life without your sweet face greeting me with each new day. I cannot imagine what life would be like if God did not give me the honor of being your Mommy. You are HIS child, and He has blessed your Daddy and I with the opportunity to see you grow, lead you in His ways, and most importantly, He has blessed us with the privilege of calling you daughter.

I love seeing your two-toothed grin. I love how your hair is beginning to grow curls, and how it gets crazy after bath time :). I love how you get so excited that you squeal and yell with happiness. I love how you smile at your own reflection in the mirror. I love how you concentrate when Mommy and Daddy read to you. I love how you cuddle with Mommy before nap time. I love how you are so content. I love how innocent you are. I love that you eat your fruits and vegetables. I love how you play with the remote control every morning after you eat. You sure have developed silly routines. :)

My dear Anna Grace, I love you for everything that you are. Your Daddy and I will love you unconditionally for the rest of your days. Thank you for giving me the best, the most challenging, and the most rewarding eight months that I have lived. I never knew what it was like to hold my heart in my hands, and now I do every time I pick you up in my arms.

Happy Birthday, my 8 month-old dear.

Mommy and Daddy.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

From the mouth of babes...

Hello, everyone. Mommy said I could borrow her blog and write to you all. She is too tired today, so I thought I would take a turn. Yesterday, my Grandma and Grandaddy came over to visit. We had a lot of fun together. I was a little shy at first, but Grandaddy tried really hard to make me laugh, so I decided to give him some smiles. They took me and Mommy out to the mall for lunch and to walk around. We went to this really big store called "Bass Pro Shop" and i got to look at all the different fish in the tank. It was so neat, I never really saw fish before...only the plastic ones on my exersaucer! Grandma gave me lots of presents, as usual. She bought me a cute froggy stuffed animal, a baby doll and some really cute outfits. Mommy said that Grandma is going to go broke if she keeps it up, Grandma said "that is what Grandma's are for!" I know they love me so much. They come to visit me all the time, and they always seem so happy and proud when they are around. I love them so.

Mommy and Daddy are doing well. Daddy hasn't been feeling well this week. Mommy gets upset because he won't take a break and rest. Silly Daddy. Mommy hasn't been sleeping too well, she says she has something called insomnia. I have been trying my best to sleep well for her this week, but I get hungry, so I have to wake her up pretty early to eat! Mommy and Daddy love me SO much, they always give me so many hugs and kisses. Mommy says she cannot wait for me to give her hugs and kisses back! I can't wait, either. I do love cuddles.

I cannot believe it is almost my 8 -month birthday! I am growing really fast, everyone says I am such a big girl. Mommy and Daddy think I am growing more of those things called teeth. Ouchie! It hurts, I always have to put things in my mouth to chew, it helps me to feel better. Also, I am now eating Cheerios. I like them, but they are smaller then those other things I eat, so it is harder to pick them up. I have been practicing, and I am almost a pro! I like to play and to read books. I love to go outside, although Mommy said it is too cold right now to play at the playground. I am sitting up nice and I like when Mommy sings me silly songs like, "Pop Goes the Weasel" and "Old McDonald Had A Farm"

By the way, when you see Daddy, could you ask him why he put this silly lion on my head?

Love you all.