Friday, February 29, 2008

leap year.

happy leap year from a raspberry-blowing, teeth-popping, rosy-cheeked, blue-eyed Anna Grace. This weekend's plan is to start working on the basement and painting trim. Yes, this is about the 30th weekend that we have "planned" on working on the basement. Maybe by next leap year we will be complete???

Thursday, February 28, 2008


It seems I should have named my daughter "Anna Hoover Lapadat," as she is certainly the best vacuum I have ever owned :). I set her on the living room floor amongst literally a dozen toys. What does she find to play with? The smallest crumbs or pieces of "yuck" that our vacuum missed during it's last go-round. Anna will lay on her belly and just pick at the carpet. Even more reason new carpet must be in our near you, honey... ;)

Ugh. teething. My heart breaks for my little girl. She has three teeth that are so close to coming out, but are taking their good 'ole time. She is certainly one to let Mama know when she isn't happy. But, do you really blame her? ouch! This week has been a hard one, and I hear I haven't seen anything just wait for her molars. Oh, geez. I just pray that I can be a patient, understanding and nurturing mother while she screams her pain away.

T.G.I.F....tomorrow. I need this weekend like Anna needs Oragel. desperately.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

happy (belated) 9 month birthday, Anna.

Anna at 1 week old:

Anna at 9 months old:
[Can you believe Mommy forgot to write a birthday message to you on her blog? I am so sorry. Well, here it is 5 days late, so let's pretend that I wrote this on your birthday, OK? OK!]

My Sweet Anna,
As I sit here and write to you, Daddy is reading you your bedtime story. I believe I hear him reading "The very hungry caterpillar." That book is one of your favorites. We had to start bedtime early tonight because it seems you are feeling pretty miserable, and just want to sleep. You have three teeth coming in all at once! i know that hurts, little one. Mommy is trying her best to help you feel better. Bear with me, I am new at this as well. :).

I cannot believe that it has been nine months since I met you for the first time. Nine months since the first time I held you in my arms, heard your cry, saw your beautiful eyes. Nine months since I felt your soft skin, kissed your sweet cheeks and tickled your little feet. It has been nine months since I was given the title of Mother...and nine months since you became my most precious, loved, cherished and adored daughter. It feels like this has been my life forever, and yet, it feels brand new all at once. I am sure when you are a Mommy, you will understand what that means.

Mommy and Daddy are so in love with you. Your sweet smile has made many bad days seem brighter. Your unconditional love for us is our most undeserved gift. You wave hello to Daddy every morning when he comes in to get you, and it always helps him to start his day with a smile. The Lord made you perfectly, Anna Grace, and I cannot imagine life to be any more sweet. So, Happy Nine Months....and I look forward to many, many, more birthdays with you!

Mommy (and Daddy)

Saturday, February 23, 2008


This was sent to me a while ago, but I forgot to post it. It's sentiments are what my heart feels...if you are a mother, than I am sure you feel the same way. enjoy your Saturday.

Before I was a Mom;
I never learned the words to a lullaby.
I never thought about immunizations.
I had never been puked on,
Pooped on,
Drooled on,
Chewed on,
Peed on…….
I had complete control of my mind and my thoughts.
I slept all night.

I never looked into teary eyes and cried.
I never got gloriously happy over a simple little grin.
I never sat up for hours watching a baby sleep.

I never felt my heart break into a million pieces when I couldn't stop the hurt.
I never knew that something so small could affect my life so much.
I never knew that I could love someone so much.
I never knew I would love being a Mom.
Before I was a Mom - I didn't know the feeling of having my heart outside my body.

I didn't know that bond between a mother and her child.
I didn't know that something so small could make me feel so important and happy.

I had never known the warmth, the joy, the love, the heartache, the wonderment or the satisfaction of being a Mom.
I didn't know I was capable of feeling so much before I was a Mom.

Friday, February 22, 2008

another tooth, makes 3

So, while Dan was brushing Anna's teeth (well...gums), he found the reason for Anna's week long fussiness....she has another tooth! It is just poking through. It is on the top this time, but not in the center. Funny, I always thought the center teeth came through first. Leave it up to Anna to be different. :). I am sure she will look adorable...but I am biased. I hope the worst of the pain is over, and that she starts to feel better.

Anna is doing great at bedtime. She now wakes up only once or twice during the night, and Dan rushes in to give her a pacifier, and she is able to put herself back to sleep. YAY! Nap times have been a bit rough this week...but, now I am realizing that perhaps it is because of her new tooth. She has discovered sleeping on her stomach during nap time. Anna has actually discovered sleeping in many different contorted positions at nap time. Never during the night, however. When she naps, she sleeps sideways in the crib, on her stomach...her head resting against the crib rails. I wish we still had the crib bumper on so she doesn't hit her head during her flips, but apparently it is a "no-no." All that to say, she is a silly girl, who is getting more "grown-up" with each new day. I am not sure that I am ready for all the changes that are in our immediate future. I cherish these "baby days"; and although I am anticipating great things ahead, I don't want to lose sight of yesterday. Each day that passes is bittersweet for me. I am excited for our future with Anna, but I want to hold on to each day and not let go. ever.

by the way....tonight, she took a bath in her new tub. That's what the picture is for :).

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

9 month check-up

Yesterday, Anna had her 9 month check-up with her new pediatrician, Dr. Gordon. All went well. She is 21 lbs (and 10 oz), and 28 3/4 inches. She went from "being off the charts" to now being in the 90% percentile in both height and weight. Doc reassured us that it is fine if she is not yet crawling and/or walking. He stated that he will not be concerned until 12- 18 months. Anna was sweet and flirted with the nurse, however, she seemed anxious of the doctor and screamed throughout his entire examination. He told me she was singing.....sure. He assured us that she was happy, healthy and growing right on target. The best news of the day was that she is up to date on her shots until her 12 month check up! Yippee...I thought shots were on the agenda, so I (and Anna) were relieved to go home, shot free!

I discussed with Dr. Gordon that I thought perhaps Anna was self-weaning. He said at this age they typically do not wean, and he offered that my milk supply may be low, and Anna doesn't want to "work" for her feedings. So, he wrote me a prescription for Reglan, which is typically a reflux med, and I am to take it for 3 weeks to increase my supply. To be honest with you, I was really hoping he would tell me I did great for 9 months, and that I can now resort to formula.
nope. He said that since it is Winter, and there are viruses to be caught, that breastfeeding is still the best option. And so, here we go again. I have to nurse her 8 times a day. I am feeling disappointed because I was finally feeling like Anna and I had a bit more "freedom" and now, here we are again, on a strict nursing schedule. As long as it is for her, I will do it. I would do anything for that little girl.

As for our family, we are entering what may be a new phase in our lives, more specifically in terms of Dan's career. To make a long and complicated story short, he and three friends (and former co-workers) are talking seriously about starting their own company. He would start off as an independent contractor working on government projects, and they would come together to form an equally-owned company. This opportunity seems to have "fallen" on their laps, and all doors seem to be open. Though it is scary, the possibilities far outweigh the potential risk. On Saturday, we (his friends, and all the wives), met together to discuss logistics, details, and aspirations. We left feeling anxious, nervous and most of all excited.

For as long as I have know Dan, his career goal has been to own his own company, be his own boss, and work with people he can respect, trust and learn from. Looks like his dreams may be unfolding within the next few years. Please pray that we would be wise, not make hasty decisions and that we think with a level head. It is easy to rush into a situation which looks perfect. Please pray that the decisions we make will line up with the Lord's will, and that Dan's employment will remain secure as we transition.

Side Note: We officially retired Anna's swing. This small step made me quite sad. She is growing so quickly, and is turning more and more into a "big girl" with each passing day. So, goodbye served us well. Now...what toys to move into the seemingly "empty" corner in the living room......

Friday, February 15, 2008

Week in Review.

Before biter biscuit:

After Biter Biscuit:

This was just one of those know, runny noses, sneezes, fevers, fussiness and sleepless nights...and that was just me! Our week started well, we met some other mommies at the mall for a "Walk 'N Talk." Well, don't ya know...I walked and caught a cold. I started feeling sick that night, and it got worse throughout the week. Dan had to stay home on Wednesday to watch Anna, and he even took her to story time at the library. He spoiled me with magazines, treats and chicken soup...just what the doctor ordered! I am happy to report that today I feel well, and I think that I (and my family) have recovered. :).

Tomorrow we are *finally* picking out paint colors for our (much desired) basement project. We are simply running out of room for Anna and her toys in the living room, and it is time to expand! I am so excited to use our basement, it is a great room with a beautiful fireplace, and it is just begging to be lived-in. We just aren't looking forward to the actual painting...ugh.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

My Funny Valentine

To my dear Husband,
Thank you for all you do for our family. You work hard every day in order to provide a happy and healthy home. You are generous, gracious and supportive. You love your wife and your daughter in an honorable and Christlike way. You have made it possible for me to raise our daughter, and have not once complained about the sacrifice. My prayer for Anna is to find a man like you to love her. Then I know her husband will love her unconditionally, wholeheartedly and without limits.

To my dear Anna Grace,
You are a joy. You have filled my heart, and daddy's heart, with immeasurable happiness, fulfillment and gratitude. You give me giggles, smiles and satisfaction every day. Observing you grow has been the greatest gift of Grace. We are undeserving. You are my dreams come true.

Shannon (A.K.A. Mommy)

Sunday, February 10, 2008

She naps!

If there is one thing you know from reading my's that Anna and I have struggled with her nap times. Well, more! I don't know what "clicked," but for the past few days...Anna has consistently gone down for her nap time (awake) without crying! We read a story, and then I place her in her crib. She plays for a few minutes, and then drifts off on her own. Seriously...this is BIG! I used to dread nap time, and so did Anna. She would scream for hours if I would let her. Now, the most she fusses is 2 minutes. I think what has helped is that I am now giving her a blankie. You are not "supposed" to give a baby a blanket for the first year, but Anna is able to move it from her face, and I feel safe giving it to her. I monitored her closely for the first few naps, and she never had trouble with it. I believe this has made the biggest difference for her. Praise the Lord...He must of known I needed a break!

On Saturday, Dan's brother and his wife (Matt and Afton) came to visit. We had a nice time in fellowship together. Dan and I feel so blessed to have them in our lives, they are great friends and awesome family. Since Anna was an infant, she was drawn to Afton. She gives her free smiles and cuddles. I love watching Anna get to know her family.

It is Valentine's week, and there are lots of play group activities scheduled. Let's hope Anna is feeling well and we are able to attend. Have a great week, everyone.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

pom -poms

Anna is still sick. It has been about a week since the runny nose and sad tears began, so I am thinking if she is still not well tomorrow, i will call her doctor. Although I secretly love the extra hugs and sweet cuddles...I am ready for this to be over. It was 75 degrees today, and we weren't able to enjoy the day because Anna was feeling so miserable; we also missed a pretty fun Mommy 'n Me event. Still no progress on Anna's mobility...I have been trying to put her on her hands and knees, but she is obviously not ready and isn't sure what to do. So, we will keep practicing and enjoying her baby days....gosh, will they fly by!

Speaking of her baby days flying, we are now (already) planning her first birthday party! I am making the Save the Date cards this week. I know, Save the date cards for a birthday?! Yes, but for a good cause. Most of Dan's brothers work on the weekends, so they need advanced notice in order to request off of work. I have so many ideas for her party. Inspiration started with these:

...tissue paper pom-poms. i love Martha Stewart....okay...well, at least her crafts. Anna's party will be a garden theme....full of flowers, handmade paper pinwheels and fun! i cannot wait.

Not much else to report as it has been a slow week due to Anna's bug. Dan is still stressed at work, and we are happy that he will be taking Friday off (since he worked Sunday). I hope we are able to relax and not run too many errands. Dan's brother, Matt and his wife, Afton are visiting Saturday. Saturday is also the day my brother and sister-in-law move into their new home. Sorry we can't help out!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

she waves!

Today, Anna waved for the first least I think it was intentionally :) Let's see if she keeps it up! I am so proud. (Yes, I do realize that it looks like she is just flailing her arms, but if you turn on your will see that she waves when I say "Hi Anna")....enjoy

Saturday, February 2, 2008


For the past few days, Anna has been dealing with a bit of a cold. Like her daddy, she likes a lot of attention and extra love when not feeling well. :). Life has been full, not too many moments to spare. Today, Dan's parents and his brother, Dave, came to visit. We had a nice time together and Anna had fun getting to know her family better. She especially seemed fond of her Uncle Dave, whom she often shared smiles with. I must say I am so in love with this little girl. When others are tending to her, and I have the opportunity to simply observe Anna, I am just so awestruck at this little miracle of mine. I love how sweet she is. Her Nana was feeding her Cheerios, and Anna kept trying to share them with her. (I will post pics of their visit at a later date).

Crawling. Well, Anna is just not ready yet, it seems. I was worried because I have friends whose children are already crawling (and are younger than Anna). As I have been researching into this subject, I learned that many babies simply don't crawl, and will one day just start walking. I think for Anna, it stems from the fact that she is strictly a back sleeper, and has been since Day #1. She has always hated "tummy time." Though she has had much time on her tummy, I am not sure she has had enough endurance to gain strength to hold herself up. When speaking to Dan's mom today, she informed me that only a few of her 6 children crawled! Dan did not crawl as a baby, and he started walking late. Maybe it is hereditary? In any case, this brought me relief to know that Anna is fine in her development, and when she is ready she will take off! (and when that happens, I will probably wonder why I wanted her mobility so quickly).

Dan has to work tomorrow...ugh...and then we are headed to a Superbowl party. Who am I rooting for, you may ask? Well, let's be honest...I could care less about the Superbowl. I could care less about the commercials. However, there will be other babies there for Anna to play with, and I am sure there will be good food to sample :). So, I hope Anna is feeling well and can enjoy her time...(her time will be short, however, since we have to stick with Anna's bedtime routine).

Also, Congratulations Bill and Sarah on your new home. I cannot wait to see it, I hear it is beautiful.