Monday, January 28, 2008


Today, Anna and I attended our first playgroup. I was intimidated, but decided to take the plunge and just go! I am so glad I did. There were about 8 of us moms, and babies/kiddies galore. We met at the mall and played in the play area, and then had lunch. Poor Anna was the only one who has yet to crawl, so it was harder for her to interact with the loose cannons (aka children). I believe she enjoyed watching, and every once in a while a baby would crawl over to say hello...or steal her binky. I overcame my shyness quickly to interact with the other Mommies...It is amazing how having a child will give you so much in common with a stranger! Anna did well, and so did I. Here are some photos from today:

Sunday, January 27, 2008

baby blues.

Look at those little girl's eyes. Dan and I were trying to figure out where she got such beautiful blue eyes. We both have hazel eyes; blue on occasion, but certainly nothing that compares to our daughters'. As I think about each characteristic, both physically and emotionally, that Anna has been given, I stand in awe at the Creation of our Savior. The puzzle pieces that fit together so carefully and intentionally to form such a precious little one. It is so amazing to think that before time, the Lord destined for Dan and I to meet, marry and give life to His little Anna Grace. Her name suits her...she truly is a gift of mercy and grace. His plan is perfect, His Creations are perfect, and our sweet gift of Grace is perfect.

As you look into the eyes of those you love, may you marvel at the gifts the Lord has so richly blessed you with. Have a great week.

Friday, January 25, 2008


A Mother's Woman's job is tough. Really tough. I grew up with dreams of being a mother. In my mind's eye there could be nothing better. Along with dreams of being a mother, I had dreams of staying at home with my child full-time. I was never one who desired to pursue a career, working 9-5, bringing home the "bacon." I knew, from the start, that God desired for me to have children and raise them in His ways. What I didn't know was how hard the job was. I didn't receive a degree in "Motherhood." I didn't even take a course in "Motherhood." I didn't realize that every day I would question my ability. I didn't realize the astounding responsibility that comes with the title of "Mother."

Becoming a stay at home mother is the realization of my hopes and dreams. My husband works hard every day to provide for our family so that I can have the luxury of raising our daughter. I have prayed since the day I thought about having children that the Lord would bless me by allowing me to raise my (His) children. So, why then, do I have days that seem so difficult? Days that I question this "career." (And yes, it is a career). [ see this article if you don't believe me] There are days that I feel so isolated and alone, even though the joy of my life is with me 24/7. I miss the confidantes I made at work, the friendships, the laughter. I miss getting dressed, doing my hair, feeling like a professional. I miss the independence. My life has been turned upside-down these past eight months. And despite all these whiplash changes, or perhaps because of them, I do desperately miss certain aspects of the "old me". I feel like I have nothing to share, as my world has at once become quite big and very small. Although I miss certain things, I wouldn't change my life if I could.

I bring this up because I was reminded today of a debate I once saw on Oprah. Working mothers vs. Stay at-home moms. First of all, why are we wasting our breath debating one another, when the choice is a difficult and personal one for each family. I cannot imagine having to leave my child at a day care center each day. I cannot imagine missing the simple moments with Anna, the smiles and giggles. The silly faces and even the tears. It would pain me daily to not be with her. However, I do have moments that I could use some "adult time." So, I believe the debate will always continue. Working moms will always envy full-time mothers because they are saddened by the time they miss with their children. Stay at home mothers will always envy Working Moms for the adult time, friendship and independence they attain. The fact is "the grass is always greener," but that doesn't mean your lawn isn't perfect for you and your family.

I hope I did not sound negative in this blog, as that was not my intention. I simply wanted to applaud all women who choose a path that they believe is best for their family. Whether it be to continue in their career, or to put their career on hold to raise their families...each choice is difficult, and demands sacrifice which is not always easy. For me, raising Anna is the most rewarding career that I could have chosen. Although there are days that I want to quit, or at least have a lunch break :), I know that I am blessed beyond measure to be given the gift of raising my child. For those women who work (outside the home), i simply do not know how you do it. You are honored, and I wish I could give each one of you a good nap!

Anna Banana

Not much of a blog, just wanted to share some pictures. Today, I gave Anna a cut-up banana for the first time. Despite loving her banana puffs, banana baby food and even banana in her oatmeal, she did not care for banana in it's natural state. Notice the before and after:

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Keep your chin up.

Yesterday, Anna had her first "incident." We went out to dinner, and as usual, we placed Anna in the highchair. Keep in mind that in this particular restaurant, the tables were slate (or some other type of stone) and the tables were low....just the right height to reach Anna's head. Do you know where I am going with this...? Well, Anna was very excited and bouncing up and down in her highchair (I am convinced she was dancing). Too cute. We had her pushed in a bit, so that she could reach the table and eat her fruit puffs. Just as I said to Dan, "We need to pull her highchair out a bit, she is going to hit her head...." you guessed it. She banged her chin on the table. I watched it happen, in what seemed to be slow motion. I felt so horrible. She sat still for a second...and then she let out a shout! ouch, i certainly don't blame her. The tears were flowing (and I was on the brink of tears, as well), her nose was running and the cheeks were red. I know... she looked pathetic! I walked her around in hopes to distract her, and my tough cookie got herself together in no time!

Today, we went to the mall and played in the new, indoor play area. I think Anna had fun watching the other kiddos run around. We met another baby, Violet, and Anna put her arms around her! In return, Violet kept trying to pull out Anna's binky. Oh my gosh, was that cute! I was hoping to maybe have Anna and Violet get together to play, but Violet's mom took off in a hurry. Tomorrow, Anna and I will attempt to go to our first playgroup. However, it is during her normal nap time, so if i can't get her down early, I think we may not be able to make it. Wish us luck, I am really hoping to go.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Daddy's Home.

There are days, like today, that Anna wakes up a different baby, seemingly learning new things in her sleep. Today, Anna kept opening her mouth and leaning in towards my face. Either she was trying to give me kisses, or bite my face off. I certainly hope she was going for kisses not flesh! Boy, can she melt my heart.

Secondly, she is starting to show emotion when Dan leaves for work and comes home. Every day, we wait at the door for Dan to walk up the steps and greet us. Today was trash day, so Dan had to take the trash cans around to the back. When we saw Dan, Anna got the biggest smile on her face, and started kicking her legs. Dan did not see her yet, because he was tending to the trash. When he walked away from our view, Anna started crying. When he appeared again, so did her smile.

It is so amazing how babies can learn, change and develop overnight. There are so many days I take the small changes for granted, but today, Anna reminded me that she is most certainly growing up, whether I notice the changes or not.

(okay, now I am taking "Mommy time" AKA "American Idol). Goodnight.

Monday, January 21, 2008

My darling.

Dear Sweet Pea,

Today is your eight-month birthday. You are growing bigger and wiser with each new day. I feel like time has flown by, while at the same time, I feel like you have been in our lives forever. I cannot imagine my life without your sweet face greeting me with each new day. I cannot imagine what life would be like if God did not give me the honor of being your Mommy. You are HIS child, and He has blessed your Daddy and I with the opportunity to see you grow, lead you in His ways, and most importantly, He has blessed us with the privilege of calling you daughter.

I love seeing your two-toothed grin. I love how your hair is beginning to grow curls, and how it gets crazy after bath time :). I love how you get so excited that you squeal and yell with happiness. I love how you smile at your own reflection in the mirror. I love how you concentrate when Mommy and Daddy read to you. I love how you cuddle with Mommy before nap time. I love how you are so content. I love how innocent you are. I love that you eat your fruits and vegetables. I love how you play with the remote control every morning after you eat. You sure have developed silly routines. :)

My dear Anna Grace, I love you for everything that you are. Your Daddy and I will love you unconditionally for the rest of your days. Thank you for giving me the best, the most challenging, and the most rewarding eight months that I have lived. I never knew what it was like to hold my heart in my hands, and now I do every time I pick you up in my arms.

Happy Birthday, my 8 month-old dear.

Mommy and Daddy.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

From the mouth of babes...

Hello, everyone. Mommy said I could borrow her blog and write to you all. She is too tired today, so I thought I would take a turn. Yesterday, my Grandma and Grandaddy came over to visit. We had a lot of fun together. I was a little shy at first, but Grandaddy tried really hard to make me laugh, so I decided to give him some smiles. They took me and Mommy out to the mall for lunch and to walk around. We went to this really big store called "Bass Pro Shop" and i got to look at all the different fish in the tank. It was so neat, I never really saw fish before...only the plastic ones on my exersaucer! Grandma gave me lots of presents, as usual. She bought me a cute froggy stuffed animal, a baby doll and some really cute outfits. Mommy said that Grandma is going to go broke if she keeps it up, Grandma said "that is what Grandma's are for!" I know they love me so much. They come to visit me all the time, and they always seem so happy and proud when they are around. I love them so.

Mommy and Daddy are doing well. Daddy hasn't been feeling well this week. Mommy gets upset because he won't take a break and rest. Silly Daddy. Mommy hasn't been sleeping too well, she says she has something called insomnia. I have been trying my best to sleep well for her this week, but I get hungry, so I have to wake her up pretty early to eat! Mommy and Daddy love me SO much, they always give me so many hugs and kisses. Mommy says she cannot wait for me to give her hugs and kisses back! I can't wait, either. I do love cuddles.

I cannot believe it is almost my 8 -month birthday! I am growing really fast, everyone says I am such a big girl. Mommy and Daddy think I am growing more of those things called teeth. Ouchie! It hurts, I always have to put things in my mouth to chew, it helps me to feel better. Also, I am now eating Cheerios. I like them, but they are smaller then those other things I eat, so it is harder to pick them up. I have been practicing, and I am almost a pro! I like to play and to read books. I love to go outside, although Mommy said it is too cold right now to play at the playground. I am sitting up nice and I like when Mommy sings me silly songs like, "Pop Goes the Weasel" and "Old McDonald Had A Farm"

By the way, when you see Daddy, could you ask him why he put this silly lion on my head?

Love you all.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

It's back...

My guilty pleasure...American Idol has made it's return to my evening schedule! yay! to be honest, I am not sure why I love this show...but, I poor husband :). Did you happen to see the 24 year-old girl who wore Princess Laia buns and a Star Wars belt buckle? Well, not to offend all of you Star Wars fanatics,but seriously? that girl needed an "Ambush Makeover", and I am in no means a fashionista, but really! Why do people dress up in ridiculous costumes? Do you really believe you will win the show? I assume (or let's say, I hope) that these are people who simply want to brag about their 15 minutes of fame. Gotta love America.

Oh, Guess what? Anna slept through the night without a feeding last night! 8:00pm - 6:30am! I know, I couldn't believe it ,either! I was so proud...let's see if we can keep this up!

It has been a pretty slow week thus far, so I am running out of things to "blog", have a good evening, and if you are watching American Idol..Enjoy, it is one of life's simple pleasures .

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Monday, here we come.

Well, Family Fun Days are officially over. I guess it had to happen sooner or later...tomorrow, Dan is back to work. We have been keeping busy these past few days; between taking down Christmas decorations (finally), laundry (again, finally) and mundane errands; time flew us by way too fast. We managed to bundle Anna up and get her to the playground one last time before Winter officially welcomed us with it's cold temperatures and brisk winds.

Today, we made it to church. Anna was such a good girl, but we still weren't comfortable putting her in nursery since we have only visited a few times. I think next week I will see if I could join Anna and sit with her in nursery. (I think maybe I am the one with separation anxiety..hmmm.) I don't think Anna is feeling well, she seemed to cough and sneeze a bunch today. Also, she was extra fussy. When Anna ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!

Next..if you have been reading this faithfully (thank you), then you are familiar with our number one obstacle in child-rearing. sleep. Oh, how I miss sleep! For the past few weeks, we have been sticklers with bedtime routine. 7pm: feedings (nursing and solids) 7:30: bath time 7:45 story time/ song time / prayers 8:00: bed. It seems Anna has finally succumbed to our plan and no longer gives us a fight. We are actually able to lay her in her crib awake, and she will drift herself to sleep. (Please notice the use of "we." She lets Mommy put her down awake, as well! This is a huge step!)

Well, with every positive, there comes a negative. Though she is going down easily, she is still waking up frequently through the night. I try to hold off on feeding her until at least 4am. (try being the key word here). I can hear her playing in her crib at all hours of the night/morning. I am a bit perplexed on how to handle this situation. For now, I am happy that she is at least going down at 8...consistently. But, my goodness - 8 straight hours of sleep...that sounds like a dream come true!

Thursday, January 10, 2008


Today, our little family went out to lunch. It was a memorable lunch because it was the first time Anna sat in the restaurant high chair. Not a big deal to some, but quite a special day for us. It is just another reminder to us that she is growing up so fast. She enjoyed being close to the table with the rest of the family, not stuck in her car seat!

She ate her puffs (and some of my bread) while we ate our lunch, and the whole experience was quite pleasant. Just a funny side note: She also grabbed our waitresses booby. hahaha, guess she was hungry! hope you enjoy the pics from our day!

bloomin' babies

Yesterday, Anna and I went to the local library for story time. They offer a program called "Babies 'N Bloom" designed for babies 0-2 years old. There were about 20 children there, Anna being one of the youngest. I sat her on a yellow mat in the circle, and she looked like such a big girl. She was so interested in watching the other children, I wonder what she was thinking. She especially seemed interested in the older children who were too busy running around in circles to be bothered by story time! We sang songs, listened to stories and played with puppets. I was a bit disappointed that when it was all over, the other moms disappeared like flies; no one stayed around to chat. Overall, though, it was nice and we will surely go again.

We were blessed with nice weather again yesterday. Anna and I spent some time outdoors in the afternoon, soaking up the sun while it was still out! Today, January made it's return. I think it is about 35 degrees outside right now and park today. Oh Well.

Dan has off today and tomorrow since he worked last weekend...YAY! I know he needs the break, and Anna and I love to have him home! So, today will be full of oil changes, grocery shopping and other errands. woo hoo.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Global Warming?

don't think so....but, it was another beautiful day. Anna and I packed up and headed to a park with a lake and a playground. I am telling you, this girl LOVES to be outside! She becomes calm, and just so peaceful. We walked around the lake and talked (or, grunted) at the geese. Then, we went to the playground.

Today, Anna went on the swings for the very first time. First of all, I cannot believe she is big enough to sit in a swing! She was a bit apathetic about the whole situation at first..she mostly just wanted to watch the child next to her swing. She is such an observer. Once I got up the nerve to push her higher, her face lit up. I know she felt like a "big girl."

Tomorrow, the cold comes back along with it's good friend, Rain. They are even thinking it may snow on Sunday. If Anna isn't napping around 9am tomorrow, I will try to take her to the library for story time. Cabin Fever will set in again soon if I am not careful. This "mom" thing is harder than it appears...goodnight.


So, pretend I wrote this blog yesterday...I really meant to, but boy, was I tired! Yesterday, the thermometer hit a whopping 70 degrees. Yes, folks, it is (was) January 7th. I saw this day as a gift from God. The past week was rough. I was not feeling good, Dan was working a lot and Anna was fussy. We needed OUT of the house! Well, yesterday was the perfect opportunity. Anna and I headed to Centennial Park in Columbia. I could not have asked for a nicer day. There was a nice breeze in the air, the ducks were swimming peacefully, and the sky was blue and open...perfect. We took a 2-mile walk around the lake (every step reminding me that I am indeed out of shape). Anna was so content, she just looked wide-eyed at the environment surrounding us. I believe she will be an "outdoorsy" girl. I wish Dan could have joined us, I know he would have enjoyed every second.

Thank you , Lord, for refreshing our minds, spirits and was much needed.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

did you know...

that a 7 (almost 8) month- old can throw a tempter tantrum? Now, I know I am new at this "parenting" thing...but, this took me by complete surprise. Anna threw her first tantrum this week, and had another episode today. She has been VERY clingy with me, and is showing a lot of separation anxiety when I leave the room (or her sight, for that matter). I suppose she is trying to let me know that I must hold her 24/7...or else! She kicks her legs, flails her arms and screams at the top of her lungs...just because I put her on the floor, with her toys, to play. My parents always told me that i would end up with a "little Shannon"....but already? I wasn't prepared for such assertiveness. :).

Time for a fun story. Today, after putting Anna down for a nap, I heard her rustling around in her crib. Since she wasn't fussing, I thought I would let her play and take advantage of the time. After about half an hour, I went in her room to check on her. She was laying sideways in the middle of her crib, hugging about 4 stuffed animals. You see, I had put some stuffed animals in the corner of her crib to try to alleviate some anxiety she was having with being by herself in her room. I thought they would be cheerful faces to look up at when she wakes up. Today, she somehow scooted herself to all 4 corners of the crib and collected the animals to play. It was a Kodak moment, but of course i picked her up without thinking about the camera. Darn.

Dan just got home from work, so we are off to run errands. it's 65 degrees today...crazy!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

blah saturday

Well, it's Saturday. Dan is at work, and may have to work on Sunday. this stinks. I think I slept on my neck wrong because i have this crick (is crick really a word?) that won't go away. Anna and I went to Columbia Mall gosh, you would think it is Christmas Eve or Black Friday...I have never seen the place so crowded. It took just about forever to find a parking spot. When i got in the mall, I realized why. Discovery Channel was there doing the "National Body Challenge." Does it mean anything that I was too lazy to stand in line to challenge my body to anything!?! (that question was rhetorical - no answer necessary, thank you).

Anna is no waking up every day at 2:45am. Why is she waking up earlier than she used to? ugh...Sometimes I wonder if this girl will ever get the sleeping thing down. Fingers Crossed. I know I sound negative today, but wouldn't you if you couldn't move your neck and your husband had to work on the weekend. Okay, so my life isn't that bad....but, let me complain, please...just for now. I will snap out of it.

I will write later, when I don't sound like a negative nelly. thanks for bearing with me.

Thursday, January 3, 2008


I am so inspired by crafty people. I wish I had a bit more of the creative streak in me. I usually can think of "crafty ideas", but actually making things is my problem. I am not sure if I am really craft-challenged,or maybe I am just a perfectionist...I am not sure. The other day, I was searching through blogs and websites of crafty people. I love their creations. I love the colors, the patterns, the final product. How do they make it look so easy?

This year, I have decided to finally make a scrapbook. So, for Christmas, I got most of the necessary materials (do you have any idea how much stuff you need to make a scrapbook)? my mission is to pick out pictures and figure out how I want to arrange the said book. I wanted to fit her entire first year in one scrapbook, but when you have 1304 pictures just from the first 7 months of life, I am not sure that will work. This is going to be a bigger job than I had originally planned. I am looking forward to the end result, but the page-planning is a daunting task. I am thinking of making 2 books for her first year (Book 1: 0-6months; Book 2: 7-12 months)...and that is not even enough! I think it will be a good creative outlet for me...if only I could get Anna to take a decent nap! :).

Dan has been very busy at work. He has to work this weekend which stinks. I really look forward to our weekends as a family, but he is responsible and needs to do what has to get done. If you think of our family, please say a prayer for him. He has been getting headaches quite consistently, and I know it is due to stress.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Today Dan, Anna and I all got our flu was round 2 for Anna. Can I say again what a trooper she is? She didn't cry until she realized what was happening, the shot was practically finished! She is a good girl. My arm on the other hand ..ouch! that sucker hurts!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Hello, 2008.

Sorry I didn't stay up to properly welcome you. I think this was the first year I didn't even attempt to stay up to watch the New Year's festivities. To be honest, I didn't miss it. It was quite nice to be sleeping in my warm bed at midnight. However, I was awakened by a loud boom. I am assuming it was some neighbor setting off least I hope it was. Dan had to work today, so my mom and I spent New Year's Day walking around the mall with Anna. We would have found great deals, if only i was still a size XS...(still...yeah, right)!

Anna has been quiet fussy this evening, she was too interested looking at people in the mall to take her well-needed nap. We have been paying for it ever since. Exactly 48 minutes until I can begin nighttime festivities and let this girl go to bed! I just wanted to write a quick entry to wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR and post a pic of Anna attempting finger foods...she almost has it! A little more practice and she will be a pro!