Friday, March 28, 2008

all i needed to know, i learned at the mall

So, last week I decided to get out by myself (which has only happened a handful of times in 10 months) and get a new outfit for Easter. I deserved it, right? Well, a big store that I will not mention, Old Navy, was having a huge 2-day sale. From my brief excursion...this is what I learned:

1. I would much rather be at home with my husband and daughter than out at a mall by myself.
2. Going to a mall on a Friday night, is much like entering a high school cafeteria. Full of teenage cliques, picking on one another and being entirely too loud...standing in big groups so that you cannot maneuver around them gracefully. Oh, and also...they do not understand the words "Excuse Me", "Are you in line", "watch out" or "move." Not to mention, they walk slower than any 96 year-old woman I have ever met.
3. I hate malls.
4. I hate shopping for clothes.
5. I do not want Anna to grow up and become like those I mentioned in number 2.
6. I hate 2-day sales. I would much rather pay full price than sift through the mountain of clothing that has fallen on the floor because people are too lazy to pick up after themselves.
7. I don't really like being by myself. Not in a mall anyways.
8. Size is just a number, until that number no longer fits. Then, size is something that will haunt you in your sleep.
9. I walk too fast, or everyone else walks too slow. You decide.
and finally, 1o. I finally understand why my mother didn't want me hanging out at the mall on a Friday night with my friends. I was one of them. thank God for sanctification. :)

So, next time you are in a mall on a Friday night....don't say I didn't warn you.

10 months

Dear Baby Girl,

You have been 10 months old for a week now. WOW. Mommy hasn't been feeling well, so it has taken me awhile to write you your birthday message. I cannot believe what a big girl you are! You have been learning so much these past few weeks. You are making Mommy and Daddy giggle and beam with pride! You are such a sweet and beautiful little girl. When we were at church on Sunday, a woman said that she could tell you had a sweet soul. I agree with her. The Lord certainly has plans for you, Anna Grace.

You have 6 teeth now. They are coming fast and furiously....not giving you a break! You are a trooper, but I know it hurts. You have 4 teeth on the bottom, and 2 on the top! You have been eating all your foods so well. Everyone comments on what an awesome eater you are! There hasn't been one food you will not eat. You didn't like peas at first, but now, you even eat your peas! The newest thing you like to eat is cheese! yummy. Other favorites are sweet potatoes, pears, lasagna and macaroni and cheese. Sometimes Mommy and Daddy give you chicken and you can feed yourself. What a big girl! You love to eat, especially before eat about 3 or 4 jars of food!

You are sleeping well now, too. You like to go to bed at 7:30pm and you wake up around 6:30am. You take 2 naps each day. Mommy is so happy that you have learned to sleep so well. Your favorite thing to do when you wake up is to watch "The Wiggles." Mommy tries to not let you watch television, but I let you watch this show. You love the music, and you like to bounce and dance while they sing! The Easter Bunny brought you a "Wiggles" CD for Easter, and you danced in the car while Mommy played it for you! Mommy is so happy that you love music.

You love to play with your toys. Your favorite toys right now are a train with animals, a farm with animals and anything that rattles! The train moves on it's own and you love to bounce to the music it plays and watch it move on the carpet. You also like to play with balls. You learned how to throw the ball to Mommy and Daddy over the weekend... how fun! One of your favorite things to do these days is to take out all the books that Mommy has in your basket. You just love books! You put them all around you, and you look like you are in a book-nest! :). You get on your hands and knees often, like you want to crawl...but, you get frustrated too easily and give up. You can do it, Anna. Don't give will get it one day, and you will have Mommy chasing you all over the house!

I love you so much little girl. You have entered my life, turned it upside down and it will never be the same again... i would never want it to be. The joy you bring my heart is immeasurable and the smiles you bring my soul are countless. keep growing and learning... you will be all you want to be. Mommy and Daddy will always love you and always be proud of you. Shoot for the moon!


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

an angel He makes.

Sara Yorty, my suite-mate my freshman year of college at PBU...and friend throughout my remaining years there.. had been declared missing since Sunday. She told her family she was going hiking, and never returned home. Her body was found on Tuesday along the Susquehanna River near Three Mile Island in Lancaster County, Pa. If you google her name, you can find the latest news articles, as they are updating them frequently. The latest report shows that she died of multiple traumatic injuries and hypothermia. She suffered a broken pelvis and multiple bruises. There is no sign of drowning. There was no ruling on the manner of her death, and the coroner is awaiting toxicology and police reports to make the final determination.

Please pray for her family daily, as I cannot imagine the extent of their grief.

Sara, your sweet spirit will always be remembered and missed. You shared your heart with us, and those times are cherished...I will not forget the many times we spent laughing together! May you find comfort in the arms of your Father. I know you are at peace now...we grieve that we cannot spend more time with you here on Earth...but, rejoice that we will be with you once again in Heaven.

Monday, March 17, 2008


I have been feeling rather uninspired. Between Anna's (constant) teething, household chores which I have too readily avoided and just "life" getting in the way, blogging hasn't been a priority. Well, folks, ready or not... here I come. It has been a long time... or so it seems.

Last week, I decided to look "just for fun" at vacation rentals in the Outer Banks. Dan and I have been talking and debating about whether or not a summer vacation should be in the works for us this year. We are cautious because of the change in Dan's employment, not to mention the stresses of traveling with a (soon to be) toddler. Despite the possible stresses, we realize that a vacation is just what the doctor ordered...even if it won't be until September! :). As I was browsing the web, I found a really cute villa for rent in "Corolla Light Resort." It was so cute, clean and new. It has 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms (with jetted tubs), it is beach front (650 ft. to the ocean), has a deck with a grill, comes with a kayak...and the cherry on top? a private hot tub! Also, there are 5 pools (2 of which will be heated in September), a gym (like I will be at the gym?), and all the other resort- type amenities. I emailed the realtor and there was only ONE week left for the season. September 7-14...and, well...we booked it! Made our deposit, and I am thrilled. We were looking to go somewhere that we could drive to, as I certainly didn't want to deal with airplane travel, and we found it! Now we will have to rent a car big enough to handle us, our luggage, and all the necessary baby "stuff." A crib is included in the villa, so at least that is one less thing we will need.

In that last paragraph, i mentioned the change in Dan's employment. It is "officially official!" Today he began his journey as an Independent Consultant. The lawyer has looked through his contract, and I am so thankful he has something he is excited about in his career. When his future business partners begin their work as consultants, then the company will get going. Their name is Convergent Principles Consulting. for now. :).

As far as my employment as "domestic engineer"...I think (no, I know) i am not living up to my potential. I have been in a "funk." My life is just as I had dreamed, yet, i am having a hard time finding motivation to just get going. I am just always tired. It seems the more Anna sleeps, the more tired I become. It's strange. I am thinking I should go get a check-up or physical, perhaps this is health-related. My body (neck, back, shoulder) is in pain most of the time, and it just makes me physically exhausted. When I go to the doctor, they blow me off saying there is nothing they can do until I stop nursing. I feel like the doctors aren't believing me. When things slow down, I am making an appointment with my mother's doctor, because she is familiar with all my mom's aches and pains, and can perhaps see if this is genetic. Whatever it sucks. (to be blunt). I want to have the energy to make my house a home, to play with Anna, and to do things for me, like scrapbook and read. I want Anna to have an energetic, vivacious, social and fun mommy. Right now, I am not that. Something needs to change.

Anna. She is such a beautiful little girl, if I do say so myself. Yes, I realize I am biased, but seriously... look at her. :). She has 5 teeth which are visible (four on the bottom, one on top). She continues to teethe, I just can't see the little pearly whites yet. Her nose is running like crazy and boy is she a cranky-pants.....I don't blame her, though. She seems to be getting a bunch of teeth in a short amount of time. She is becoming more vocal, babbling all the time. I just love hearing her wake up and talk to her stuffed animals. She says "Mama" and "Baba" like a pro. I think she is saying "baba" in place of "dada". Whenever I talk about daddy or say "DADA"...she echoes by saying "baba." She doesn't use a bottle or anything else that we would call baba. So, either it is simply a noise she has learned to make, or she is trying to say hi to daddy. Either way, it is cute. :) Still not crawling or walking, but in her own time. She has reached other developmental milestones, so now is not the time to worry. Anna has completely filled our hearts and our lives with the most intense feeling of love and joy. She is a gift to be cherished each day. My prayer is that I will NEVER, EVER take her for granted. Life is too short, and she is growing too fast!

Last night, Dan moved everything in the basement to make room for painting. Our goal is to have this done by Anna's birthday party. We have no more room. at. all. So, I volunteered to clean the baseboards and prep the walls (what was I thinking). We have picked out our colors, and now it is a matter of time (which there is never enough of).

Speaking of time...I am out of it, Anna is now awake from her morning nap :).

Happy St. Patty's Day to all you fellow Irish folk. Hope your day is a good one.

P.S - to those to whom I owe an e-mail, you are not "funk" got the best of will hear from me soon. or, at least that's the plan. :)

Friday, March 7, 2008

maybe not.

Seems the name chosen in the post below has been given a second thought. It may be no longer.

Tomorrow, Dan will be attending the funeral of his childhood pastor. From what I have heard, he was a giving, supportive and God-fearing man. The funeral is in PA, so I will stay home with Anna. Our prayers are with Pastor Alaimo's family as they grieve their loss, and celebrate his life.

Thursday, March 6, 2008


the name has been chosen.

Convergent Principles Technology LLC

CPT, for short.

let the games begin...

what's in a name?

A few posts ago, I mentioned that Dan was talking about beginning his own company with three of his friends. Well, folks, the adventure has officially begun. On Monday, Dan quit his 9-5 and will begin working for himself in 2 weeks....well, closer to one week now. He has been commissioned to work on a project that he is really excited about, and for that we are very grateful. Last night, they (Dan and his business partners..that sounds so strange!) were all on Instant Messenger (for two hours) trying to come up with a creative, meaningful, [and available] company name. What is it, you may ask? No clue. After two hours of flip-flopping, no decision was made, and now they have resorted to naming their top three and letting the majority rule. Tomorrow, Dan begins the paperwork and heads to the courthouse to gain licenseship, (is that a word?..probably not). Again, we will be coveting your prayers throughout this time of change, risk and transition.

Anna update... She is sleeping awesomely! She sleeps anywhere from 7:30 - 8pm through the night until 6-6:30am. Yes, I am counting my lucky stars as we had been on the flip side for far too long. She finally "got it." A lot of rough nights sleeping on her floor have paid off. Nap times are great too. They vary in length, but she takes them twice a day. yippee. Anna is very clingy with Mommy. She has to be on my lap, attached to my hip, or within direct view of my being at all times. Yes, there are times when her "mama"'s are endearing...but, I am waiting with great anticipation for the day that she cries "Dada." The three teeth that have been bothering her for the past few weeks have finally cut through, and I believe, she has been provided some relief in that arena. Anna is a very sweet baby to strangers. She now loves to wave to people while we are in the car, at a cash register, in the grocery store...if we go there, she is waving. It is so sweet...but, I gotta tell you...not too many people wave back. my southern roots would say..."Yankees!" She is still shy; a wave she will give...but, a smile, she still reserves.

P.S - Aunt Lamonte and Cousin Tracy...I will be e-mailing you sometime this weekend...sorry it has taken a while. :).

Sunday, March 2, 2008

For Paxton.

On Friday night, a sweet baby girl, Paxton, went home to be with the Lord. I did not know Paxton, and I did not know her family; still her life song has touched my heart loudly. Paxton was born on November 27, 2007 with a seizure disorder and suffered greatly until the Lord took her home and made her an angel. Her mother created an online journal during her daughter's hospital stay. She spoke with such grace, courage and strength. She told her baby girl that if she saw Jesus, to run to Him with all of her might. That must be one of the greatest acts of sacrifice and selflessness I can imagine.

Paxton spent most of her latter days hooked up to tubes and machines. Her mother was able to bathe and hold her little girl without those wires when she said goodbye. Paxton stopped breathing numerous times, and her mother said she waited for her family to be "ready" to finally breathe her last breath.

I cannot begin to understand the Lord's reason for taking such a precious life from Earth. However, I do know that her short-lived life has spoken to many hearts, and her legacy will touch lives for years to come. Her time here was not spent in vain.

Please pray for her parents, Jennifer and Lacey, along with their other children. Paxton's mommy and daddy loved her more than life, and I can only imagine that it will take strength more than life to get through this time and begin to heal.

Paxton, you will be missed both by those who knew you, and by those who only knew of you. You are a sweet angel now, watch over your Mommy and Daddy...they need you now, just like they needed you while you were in their arms.

God Bless.