Saturday, April 19, 2008

april 18th.

Happy Birthday, Daniel! To commemorate your birthday, I thought I would share one reason why I love you for each year of life you now celebrate. I love you more than you can ever imagine. You are the best husband one can ask for, the best friend one can pray for and the best father a little girl can dream of. You, my dear husband, are our everything. We love you,
Shannon and Anna Grace

[1.] i love how you put your family's needs above your own [2.] i love the way you work so hard to provide for us [3.] I love your smile [4.] i love how you (literally) drop everything when you come home to give Anna and me lots of hugs [5.] i love your laugh [6.] I love how you do silly dances to make Anna laugh [7.] i love how you help around the house, without me asking [8.] I love how you care for your brothers and sisters [9.] i love how you are driven [10.] i love how you constantly want to learn and grow [11.] i love that you massage my neck and shoulders every night, even though you have "arthritis" [12.] i love that you were able to put yourself through college, and you succeeded with honors [13.] i love that you enjoy family time [14.] i love that i miss you when you are gone [15.] i love that you give Anna a bath, read her stories and say prayers with her, every night [16.] i love playing games with you [17.] i love how you like to talk in bed every night when we go to sleep [18.] i love how you sacrifice your own desires, to give to others [19.] i love the way you make me laugh [20.] i love how you always know when i need a hug [21.] i love that you love the Lord with all your heart [22.] i love how comforting you are [22.] i love that you always help others without complaint [23.] i love your innocence [24.] i love your selflessness [25.] i love you because you are YOU. [26.] I love you because I can respect you [27.] i love you because you are mine. always.

happy birthday, i pray i am with you for 100 more...

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


(to better understand this entry, you may want to read the previous entry entitled, "thank you, Lord.")

I had to chuckle. Grandma's Bible was found open to Psalm 105...which starts by saying, "Oh, give thanks to the Lord." Like i mentioned earlier..that was her heart. Also, she had been looking at her pictures of Anna, she loved her so dearly.

Kathy, Dan's mother, was speaking to grandma on Sunday; and grandma was reminiscing about her life. She stated that "the Lord has given me everything I have asked for." I believe she knew her time here was ending. She was found in her bed, with the radio playing Christian music. Like I said, not a moment passed where her mind and heart were not focused on the Lord. I can only pray that Grandma will watch over Anna and help her to become a woman much like herself.

for grandma.

Here is a song that shares the words of my heart. You will be missed, Grandma. We love you and hope we made you proud.

Words & music by geoff thurman & becky thurman

She sits by the window with wandering eyes
She has a song in her heart
And a golden disguise
Her body is torn because age doesn't heal
Shes not letting on
About the pain that she feels
But she knows in her soul
That it wont be too long
til Jesus comes back
To carry her home...

Where there will be no more pain
No more sorrow
No more waiting
For illusive tomorrows
There will be no more pain
No more dying
No more striving or strain
No more pain

My minds eye remembers the trouble Ive seen
All I have been through,
And how I long to be free
But I learn by her patience that I need her resolve
To wait for the opening of eternities halls
And I know that in time we will stand side by side
When Jesus comes back receiving his bride

Thank you, Lord.

Three small words, with a world of meaning. Dan's grandmother, Anuica (Anna) Lapadat went home to be with her Heavenly Father. The moment I met Grandma, I felt "at home." She studied the Word daily, prayed constantly and worshiped the Lord with each waking moment. Grandma prayed for me and my little girl long before we were in her life. Dan was blessed with her...he was able to have Spiritual guidance, encouragement and a heart full of love since he was an infant. Grandma spoiled him with homemade cookies (which put Pillsbury to shame), candy and affection only a Grandmother can give. They even share a birthday.

Despite the bodily pain Grandma may have felt, the circumstances that the world threw her way and the stresses that come with life; three words were always uttered from her lips ..."thank you, Lord." Every time I spoke with grandma, she ended our conversation with those three words. That was her attitude, her motto, her heart's be thankful. grateful. Close to the heart of the Lord. That is her legacy.

When Dan and I found out we were having a girl, we knew without a doubt that we would name her Anna as a way to show honor and love to Grandma. After all, her prayers helped us to get to this point. When Dan was a teenager, he asked Grandma to stay with us until she held his first child. She stayed with us, and was able to hold Anna numerous times. This brings peace to Dan, and we are so happy that Grandma was able to meet the little girl who will carry her name.

There is no way to write in words the way Grandma will be missed by those who love her. Though sadness and grief will be experienced....I know Grandma is dancing with the King of Kings. She is in no more pain. For this, I say, "Thank you, Lord."

Friday, April 11, 2008


promises are meant to be broken, right? I had intentions of updating and posting pics tonight. then, the reality set in that we must scrub the baseboards in the basement in preparation for painting tomorrow. Believe me, I would much rather be here....

as far as the blog is back to normal. I had some thumbs up...and some thumbs down. A few of you told me it was difficult to, back to the 'ole stomping grounds.

Update, and perhaps a new look, to come sometime this weekend.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


So, it's time for "Spring Cleaning." I decided to freshen-up the page a bit. You may be noticing the background change frequently. I am too indecisive to commit. If things look a bit unfamiliar, do not fear. I am here.

So, new background like?

***update: after looking at this a few times, I am thinking it may be too plain. However, we know the old adage that "less is more." I welcome your comments.***

dancing queen.

If you know my daughter, you know that she is quite the serious little girl....always reserving giggles for special occasions. Well, today we were on a mission: to enjoy this beautiful day, that I must confess, I needed as much as Anna. the car we are; Mommy cranked the dance music, opened the sunroof, and put on her shades. (and let's not forget the best part: i was wearing flip-flops.), that's the makings of a perfect day. While we were traveling, i hear Anna cracking up. this, my friends, does not happen on a regular basis. I turn around to see her dancing like crazy, and just having a joyful time. Where is the camera when you need it? Anna is such a ray of sunshine. She brightens up every day. I am so happy she has developed a love of music, I really look forward to all the many more "dance parties" we will share together.

I have much updating to do, but you will have to hang on one more night. Anna has been sick for quite a while, and is finally on the road to recovery. This has left Mommy (me) feeling tired and spent. Hence, why I haven't taken the time to update the blog. All that to say, tonight I will dedicate my time to a bowl of popcorn , "The Office," and just being lazy. Sounds dreamy.

'Till and updates to come.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

pot of gold.

on a brighter note...I officially broke out the flip-flops today. can I get an "amen?"

full moon?

So, in effort to bring you "into my world," i thought i would let you know that since the aforementioned tantrum at the mall, Anna has since had 2 more blown-out tantrums today. One at home and one while swinging at the park.

beautiful day, isn't it?


Today, Anna had her first real temper tantrum in public. I really cannot believe that babies at her age have is crazy! To all you mommies with newborns...start counting to 10 now! :). We were at the mall, playing in the play area. She just loves this...however, lately, I think she is getting more and more frustrated because she wants to play with all the other children, and she is still not mobile. [side note: Anna is so friendly...the entire time we are playing, she keeps herself occupied by waving at strangers....over and over and over again ]. So, we were playing for a good 20 minutes, and then it was time to go. When I went to put her in the stroller....IT happened. She arched her back, kicked and screamed. I must say I was proud of how I handled, calm and collected. This time, anyways. i just ignored the behavior after giving a stern "no" and let her do her thing. The tantrum didn't last long, a minute at the longest...but, i suppose that is a milestone....not a very pleasant one, but it had to happen some day. I know it is April Fool's Day and all...but, this is no joke :).

In other Anna news...she is teething like crazy! Just the other day when we were getting Anna ready for bed, we saw another tooth on the top. That makes 7 total teeth. I believe she is starting to get her molars which is causing her quite a bit of pain and distress. The pain makes her cranky, restless and miserable. Her nose has been running for a good month now. Thank God for the makers of Infant Motrin. My other saving grace has been "The Wiggles." Like i mentioned in a previous post, Anna is borderline obsessed with the Wiggles. [she especially loves Henry the Octopus and Wags the Dog]. Have you ever seen a 10 month-old have the attention span to watch television for 30 minutes without moving. That is my daughter....well, she dances, but otherwise sits still and stares. Yesterday was a horrible teething day. She was screaming from the time she woke up. Wouldn't eat. Wouldn't play. So, after a good hour of Anna screaming at the top of her lungs, I put the Wiggles on (thank you, Tivo), and she was silent. Started dancing like nothing was wrong. Yes, Yes...I know what some of you are thinking...TV isn't the answer. To those, I say....feel free to come over and babysit...i will have the remote ready.