Monday, December 31, 2007

Had to

Just had to share another pic tonight before ringing in the New Year (who are we kidding, I am heading straight to bed)! :) (Do you see those pearly whites)?

Dad in a nutshell...

Or a purple velvet jacket. Just thought I'd share....

Goodbye, 2007.

This year was an incredible year of change and blessing. It came and went like a whirlwind. I am still trying to figure out how so much happened so fast. In 2007, I became a mother. Could anything be more life-changing? This year will always be special. I will always remember 2007 with such fondness...despite the fact it was also the year of my 10-year high school reunion. :).

As we approach a new year, I am excited to see Anna reach certain milestones: crawling, walking, talking, her first trip to the zoo, her first birthday is overwhelming to think how much her life, and ours, will change within the next 12 months. I am not one to make New Year's Resolutions, however there are certain things I will aspire towards during 2008. Here is a condensed version. Including (but not limited to):

* find a church to call home and go consistently * Eat my veggies and live a more healthy lifestyle * love my little girl to pieces * teach her about the goodness of God * Remind my husband that he is cherished and respected * thank him for all he does to help me daily * Shred/file/throw out mail before it piles up * keep up with the laundry...this includes ironing, ugh! * get involved with a Mommy group * sign Anna up for something social, like Kindermusic * scrapbook * take pictures * keep in better touch with my friends * read * pray * grow spiritually* have "me" time* believe in myself * be the best mom I can be, and consistently try to be better*

So, 2007, we bid thee adieu. You have been good to us. Thanks for the good times, and the bad. You will be missed.

To you, 2008, We welcome you. We are ready for what you will throw our way....or, so we think :)


Saturday, December 29, 2007


Happy Saturday! Anna's cold came and went and we all survived :). She never got a fever, just the sniffles and a cough. thank goodness. I think she is still feeling a bit under the weather, but boy is she a trooper! Some exciting news...she is starting finger foods! Gerber makes these fruit and vegetable "puffs" that we are introducing to her. I am a nervous wreck, thinking she is going to choke! She doesn't seem to like it yet, but the whole idea is still foreign to her. The only things she is used to chewing on are fingers and toys! Cheerios are next...I cannot believe she is old enough to have Cheerios! We also got her these mesh bags that you can place fruits and veggies in that she can chew on. Yesterday, we gave her apple in the mesh bag, and she seemed to enjoy it. I think it feels good on her teeth...yes, I think more are coming!

She is also blowing raspberries like crazy! She knows it makes Mommy giggle. She is so silly. She loves books, and will choose them over her toys. She also likes a Fisher-Price farm set my parents got her for Christmas...she like to pick up the animals and seems to favor the sheep :).

Sleep is still the same, waking up before the roosters. She sleeps well, usually, until early morning and then she decides she wants Mommy and Daddy. Overall, though, I suppose I cannot is much better than it has been in a while!

Can you believe it is almost 2008....craziness!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Another Christmas has come and gone. Boy, did it fly by! We truly had an awesome holiday this year. Anna exceeded any expectation I had for her. She actually slept better while we were traveling, than she does normally. of course. :). She was content to be passed around while bonding with all of her special family. She was the center of attention, and I couldn't be prouder. I would look at my little girl in awe, that she is mine. I couldn't have asked for a better Christmas. Our travels went smoothly, Anna adjusted well and our time with family was precious.

Thank You to our family who spoiled Anna (and us) silly. We appreciate you and are so grateful for a family who shares in our excitement and love for Anna Grace.

Now I have to plan our Target run for tomorrow...50% off here I come!

Friday, December 21, 2007

holiday greetings.

It's that time! Dan, Anna and I will be visiting family for the next few days, so I wanted to wish you all a very Merry Christmas! I know I have said this before, so bare with me :). I feel like the most blessed woman this Christmas. I have a wonderfully loving and supportive husband, a family that loves and encourages, friends who are constant, a daughter who I have prayed for since I was a little girl, and a home to keep me warm. My little family is the biggest, most cherished gift that I am certainly not worthy of.

So, this Holiday, I am grateful and content. Yes, life can throw us ups and's the ride that keeps the faith alive. So, hold on and get growing!

Wishing you all (myself included) a Silent Night. :)
Merry Christmas.

Silly 7 months

Happy Birthday, my sweet baby Boo! I cannot believe today celebrates 7 months since you have entered our lives and filled them with complete JOY. You are such a big girl, growing by the second. Mommy is sad to see you grow so fast, but I am also so excited to see you reach all your milestones. It is amazing how much you have changed since the day I first met you. You are getting more and more independent, you are eating big-girl food, sitting up, laughing and playing. You even have two teeth! Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you. You are such a content baby, you are a listener, you are curious and you study everything. I couldn't have asked for more. You are our everything.

Now...if only we could get you to eat your peas :).

Happy Birthday, my little girl....Keep growing and learning...We are always in your corner!

Love, Mommy and Daddy

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

rude awakenings

So, without discussion with her mom and dad, Miss Anna Grace has decided to abandon her new and improved sleep habits and digress to her old routines. For the last couple of weeks, Anna has done so well at nighttime. Then, without any warning, Monday night Anna went back to her old ways. She has been waking up crying every 2 hours, and monday woke up for the day at 2am and tuesday woke up for the day at 3am. I used to blame it on teething, but i see no white buds. i am not sure what caused/is causing this...but i am sure that i am exhausted! I just wish we could figure out what is waking her up and rectify this for good....

on to better news, I think the cold that she was getting has subsided. She still coughs/sneezes occasionally, but it isn't growing into anything least not yet. She seems to really enjoy playing Peek-A-Boo....and she is demanding constant attention. Though it is cute, and i love to play with her, I also want her to learn how to play on her own...i do realize she is still young, but she has no patience when Mommy needs to put her down for a second!

Please say a prayer for Dan, he is soooo busy, working alot of hours, and i am sure that is not easy when you are running on no sleep!

One week till Christmas. I am so excited!

Monday, December 17, 2007

happy birthday, dad

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Dad,
Happy Birthday to you!

sorry we didn't get to see you this weekend...cannot wait to see you Christmas Eve! Hope you had a great day...please know you were in our thoughts!
Dan, Shannon and Anna Grace

Sunday, December 16, 2007


if by "Winter Storm" they meant a few rain showers, then the forecast was correct. I woke up this morning expecting a snow and ice disaster, and instead found the streets looking a bit wet. ho hum.

I think Anna is sick, just in time for Christmas. I hope this is just a quick bug and she will be back to her normal self in time for Santa.

Saturday, December 15, 2007


When I became a mother, I became so much more aware of just how thankful I am for the gifts that surround me on a daily basis. Today, I am thankful for how content Anna is when we drag her around on all of our errands. We had to stop at Dan's work (twice), we went to BJ's and a few other stores, and the entire time she was just as content as can be. I am particularly thankful for this because when she was an infant, simply putting her in the car seat was a huge ordeal...(this counts as one thing I don't miss.) I worry that she will get antsy or frustrated, but Anna is content to sit in her seat and chew on her blankie. We are blessed.

Also, she is doing well at nighttime. Wakes up occasionally, but goes back to sleep easily for the most part. She loves chicken and sweet potatoes. Who would've thought my daughter would like chicken? :)

Now, we sit and wait for the "Winter Storm" to arrive as visions of Sugarplums dance in our heads...

Happy Saturday.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

update re: today's trials

As you can see from the post below, today was quite a stinker of a day. Luckily, my prince in shining armor (AKA Dan, AKA Daddy) came home and got pizza so I didn't have to cook. I got to take a hot shower and relax while he conquered bath and bedtime. I told him to prepare for battle...and don't ya know, she was a princess for him. She didn't make a peep for him and went right to bed. Of course she did. She has been sleeping soundly ever since.

Lucky Daddy....Lucky Me.

no daydreams today.

oh. my. word.

today has been a really tough day. It is now 1:20pm and I have been trying to get Anna down for a nap since 8am. Finally, i think she is least she gave up screaming in her crib. i have tried everything, this girl hates to sleep!

for those of you who have good sleepers, count your lucky stars...believe me!

till later.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

happy happy joy joy

Just wanted to share a picture of my precious Anna having a blast.

Enjoy life like a child.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

off topic.

So, I was sitting on the couch this evening, nursing Anna when the front door opens. I didn't think twice because it was around the time I expected Dan home from work. After the door opened and I felt someone walk in the door, then i heard a woman's voice let out a yelp. Then, the door shut. I wonder who scared who more?


Oh, and Anna had a good poop. I know after that statement, that this blog is truly for friends and family..who else would care about my child's bowels? Well, for those of you who have "kept up" with the goings on of can rest assured that the Prune juice did it's job.

remind me to keep the front door locked.

Monday, December 10, 2007

2 years.

I always said i wanted at least 2 children. I also said I wanted them to be 2 years apart. As crazy as it sounds, it hit me that if I want another child, and I want this child to be 2 years younger than Anna, then it is time to think about pregnancy....again...already. Holy Cow is this an overwhelming thought. (You have no idea just how overwhelming!)

Most people don't have to think this far ahead. They can take their time, and let "nature take it's course." But because of my Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, I have to plan ahead. It may take me another 2 years to get pregnant, it make take 5 years, it may take 3months. The problem with infertility, is that there are no guarantees. Your body gives you no calender to check off, no cycle to follow. I have heard that after your first, the likelihood of becoming pregnant with number 2 is much greater. So, do I wait a couple of years, and hope this happens fast or do I try now and risk getting pregnant sooner than I feel ready? The choice is sooner or later. I want to be ready. I want Dan to be ready. But, what if we wait to "feel ready" and the opportunity has slipped us by.

When I look at my precious baby, the feeling of bringing another one into her life burdens me with guilt. I want Anna to have time with Dan and I to herself. I want to create special memories with her before I bring in a sibling and life becomes too chaotic to treasure. Anna deserves all of me, and if I give her any less, than I feel like I have cheated her.

I simply do not know how I will manage life with a toddler and a newborn. I do not know how you mothers do it. When I see you at the park, in the mall, at the grocery store...I look at you in awe. How can I give Anna the energy she deserves during the day, and at the same time, care for a newborn? How can I take care of the house, my husband and my family when I am sleep deprived? To be quite honest, I can hardly manage the task now. Laundry piles up, the floors need to be vaccumed and Dan and I haven't gone on a date in the longest time. Then there is the financial aspect, which I am sure I do not need to explain to any of you who are parents.

I do not want to sound negative. The addition of a child in our lives will bring unspeakable joy. He or She will be a WELCOME addition, a cherished gift from God. I am just beginning to comprehend the reality of my dream come true. Sometimes, our greatest joy can also bring our greatest trials. Raising a family is the realization of my most precious dreams. I cannot wait for Anna to have a sibling; someone to share life with, someone to roll her eyes with when her Mom gets on her nerves :). I want to give her a partner -in-crime, a confidante, a buddy. I want her to have a constant friend, (even though, i know siblings do not always feel as lucky as they are :) ).

All this to say, i have a lot on my mind. If only i had a crystal ball which would predict when, or even if, a second child will enter our lives. God's plan is perfect, He blessed us with a perfect child...and I will lean on Him to determine when number 2 will make his or her entrance into our world.


Sunday, December 9, 2007


Does anyone watch "Extreme Makeover:Home Edition?" I don't know why I do, it gets me every time.

Pass the Kleenex.

On a brighter note: look at my sweetie all ready for Christmas. Her skin is becoming noticeably better. We have been using Eucerin twice a day, and it seems to be doing the trick. She is still constipated, however. She has been drinking prune and pear juice and eating her grains. Hopefully, they will do the trick soon...I know she is in pain.

Sleep is getting better, as well. whew! Last night we tried solids (with protein) at bedtime, and it seemed to help. She had turkey and sweet potatoes. Her own personal Thanksgiving. We (or should I say Dan) puts her down between 8 and 9pm and she wakes up between 4 and 6am. Early morning.ugh. She has, on average, 2 nighttime awakenings and generally goes back to sleep once we give her the trusty Pacifier and rub her belly.

If only she would sleep that easily for me. One step at a time.

valley view

Another weekend has come, and is (almost) gone. Time flies way too fast. Yesterday, Dan and I took Anna to Valley View Farms. It is a place full of decorated Christmas trees and lights, basically anything and everything "Christmas." I have gone there basically every year since I was a child, and now the tradition continues on. Dan carried Anna in the baby bjorn since the aisles are way too small (and crowded) for a stroller. She loved to grab at the shiny ornaments. She was so talkative and babbled at everyone. She was loving it. There was a camera crew there filming for a commercial, and they filmed Anna looking at the ornaments. I wonder if she will make the final cut. We picked out our ornaments...a yearly tradition....but, this year it was 3 instead of 2.

Christmas shopping is nearly done. I went to the mall the other day, and drove around the parking lot for 35 minutes looking for a spot. I then resolved that the majority of my shopping will be completed via the World Wide's hoping for free shipping.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

always something...

Anna has "winter eczema". Her skin is red, dry and one big rash. Anna is also constipated.

Anyone want to babysit?

Baby, It's Cold Outside!

Yesterday was Anna's first snow! We had about 2 inches, and it was so beautiful. To see things through her eyes is truly remarkable. The way her eyes lit up when she saw the white snow coming down, the way she smiled at the white surroundings. Dan brought in a little bit so she could touch it, of course she wanted to eat it. At least it wasn't yellow. :). I think Anna was a little sick yesterday, and boy, when she is sick she can be grouchy! But, what a difference a day makes! Today, she and I had some fun playtime together...and she even gave me some giggles. Thank you, Anna.

Tomorrow I will start (yes, i said start) Christmas shopping. Hey, I still have 19 days. :) I am actually looking forward to getting out of the house. We have cabin fever! i haven't wanted to take her out in this weather, since she was not feeling great. But, now, I think she is feeling better and so we will venture out into this Winter Wonderland and do some damage :)

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

yes, another one.

this is an attempt to distract myself from Anna's screams. We are attempting her new bedtime routine, and I have to admit I miss the old one as much as Anna does. Dan put her in her crib (awake) and is trying to soothe her to sleep. Usually, she falls asleep eating and we put her to bed. Her cries are heart-wrenching to me. I honestly cannot hear her scream, my heart is breaking so I am trying to keep myself busy...I can only wipe the kitchen counters so many times in one night. i just want to go grab her. this stinks. Maybe I will ask Santa for sound-proof headphones, at least it will give one of us some sanity. goodnight.

New doctor, New Rules.

So, today we met with Anna's new doctor. Walking in the office, I already felt more at ease. The receptionist and nurses were sweet and the office was kid-friendly. Toys, books and lots of magazines for Mommies :). We met with the doctor who answered all of our questions, and seemed to be on top of it all.

Here is what we learned (for those who care) :):

Our house is too hot. Apparently, it is supposed to be 65-68 degrees. We learned in Infant care class that it is supposed to be 72 degrees. Alas, our heat has caused her already dry skin to be irritated. Poor girl has her mother's skin. Ash.

She should be on stage 2 foods already, our old doc said to stay on stage one. hmmmm.

She needs to eat solids (with protein..he suggests beef) at bedtime. This means our entire bedtime routine needs to be revised. This means a tough week(s) ahead. argh.

NO MORE PACIFIER! OH NO! In all honesty, i am not sure how i feel about this one. I am going to do my own research and use my gut. Mother's instincts have to count for something, right?!?

She is an adaptable, well-adjusted baby. She had her flu-shot (always harder than me, than on Anna). Doc said she was very adaptable because she was able to be distracted easily after the shot. what a good girl. She has to get another shot in 4 weeks. :(

that about wraps it up. Thanks for caring....

Monday, December 3, 2007

guess what?

Last night, Anna slept through the night, in her crib, all by herself! this is a big deal! Of course, she was up before the sun (around5:30am)...but, hey...beggars can't be choosers.

Tomorrow we are taking her to a new pediatrician to see if he is a better fit for our family. I will keep you posted.

Oh - and we got all of our Christmas decorations up this past weekend (thanks mom and dad, for the tree)! Dan put lights outside, and we have the tree trimmed! What a difference Christmas lights make in a home, so warm and inviting. Dan and I rode around our neighborhood and looked at the lights...I love this time of year. I will post pics of our home when we take them :)

if anyone reads this, i send my love.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

19.2 lbs and 28.5 inches

I cannot believe that my sweet baby girl is now 6 months old! I have been wanting to set up a blog to write down all the memories I don't want to forget, but time has escaped me so quickly. And so, 6 months later...It begins.

The house is quiet this morning. All i can hear is the sound of the vents expanding, making way for the heat to warm us. Anna and Dan are both still sleeping. Anna does not usually sleep in this late, so I assume she had a rough night. Dan was sweet to take the night shift and let me sleep. I heard Anna stirring (and crying) during the night; sleep is certainly not her cup of tea. We are taking her to a new doctor on Tuesday, and he specializes in pediatric sleep issues. I pray he can help us understand why Anna is not sleeping through the night. fingers crossed.

On to more positive news...Anna has a tooth! (almost 2, to be exact)! When I look at her smile and see that white tooth greeting me, I am hit with the fact that my "baby" is growing by the second. It reminds me that I need to soak in every second, not take one moment for granted. Each early morning, each semi- toothless grin, each giggle and snuggle need to be cherished. A gift from God given to Dan and I each day, waiting to be unwrapped.

Anna is now eating solid foods...first of all, these foods are in no way "solid," but you know what I am talking about. Pureed. Blended. Mush. Her favorite food so far is green beans...NOT her mother's child! She also likes squash, carrots and sweet potatoes. She HATES peas! gags each time!

Anna is also sitting up on her own (with the occasional tumble forward or backwards). She loves to play in her exersaucer. She enjoys ripping catalogs and random papers into shreds, she loves to be read to, and she likes music. She is quite the serious baby; always investigating and studying things around her. Makes Mommy and Daddy work for each giggle, careful not to throw them away too easily. She is thoughtful. I think she is like her Daddy. She is gentle and shy. I know she will do great things.

It is almost Christmas time, and today Dan and I will be decorating while my parents babysit. I am excited to see Anna's reaction to the Christmas tree. I anticipate her wanting to take each ornament and throw it to the ground, but i also anticipate her looking at the lights in wonder. This Christmas, I can begin seeing life through the eyes of a child, my child, and I wasn't sure I would ever have that chance. This I am not taking lightly. Childlike faith has new meaning to me now.

So, as I think about the past few months...the good, the bad and the ugly....I am overwhelmed by feelings of Love, Grace and Blessing. What could be better than this?