Monday, May 12, 2008

and...she's off...

She did it! My baby learned to crawl! On friday evening (May 9th for Baby Book purposes), I was in my room straightening up, and I put Anna on the floor to play. Out of nowhere, she is on her hands and knees crawling into our bathroom. I could not believe it!!!! Of course, the video camera was nowhere to be found at the time...isn't that the way it always works! She has been on the go ever since! i am hoping to catch it on film, so i can share it with you all.

This week will be crazy busy as we try to finish the basement, unpack all the boxes we left down there, get the house ready for Anna's party, make decorations, get all the necessary supplies, etc....all this by Saturday morning. I will update one more time, probably today, before the craziness begins...hopefully I will have a crawling video to share! till then.


Here is what happened while Mommy was on a "blog break." (Not in any particular order.) Enjoy....

Mommy made my pack 'n play into a ball pit. I enjoyed it for about 5 minutes, then, i was bored with it. thank you, mommy.

I really enjoyed playing with my stuffed animals. I have quite the imagination already.

Mommy and I spent a lot of time at the park. I love to swing, especially while sticking out my tongue :).
Daddy took off from work on his birthday so we could all go to the zoo together. Mommy put these sunglasses on my face....I let her take a picture, then ripped them right off!
Mommy kept trying to take my picture, but i was too busy looking at all of the animals.

these pictures are from the day I woke up with curly hair. Mommy was so happy. Silly Mommy.

And, finally, i learned how to hold and use a sippy cup all by myself....although, I still won't drink milk, no matter how many times they try to sneak it to me!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

a blogger's predicament

They say it takes 21 days to form a my case, that is about how long it takes to break a habit. Like blogging, for example. I was on a roll...then, life took over. I cannot sit here and think of all the things that have happened which have taken my time away....but, whatever those things are...they are slowing down, and so, I return. I know you have missed me. Admit it.

Here is my predicament. Do I try and re-live the past few weeks and update you on all the details, or do I simply live for the moment and start over? hmm. To be honest, as I sit here and type, I am not sure. Let's just roll with the punches.

On Dan's birthday, we took Anna to the Baltimore Zoo for the first time. Boy, does this girl LOVE animals! She didn't stop pointing and staring. It was a short-lived trip, as it was probably the hottest day we have had so far this season, and apparently Anna is her mother's daughter and doesn't do well in the heat. However, we stayed long enough to see the polar bears, giraffes, elephants and penguins...oh my. Giraffes seemed to be her favorite. Luckily, we have season passes, so we will be able to visit the beloved animals whenever we choose.

Other Anna news: where to start? My sweet baby girl now has curly hair! little blond ringlets adorn her head. They kind of appeared out of the blue. (obviously the photo above was taken before the curls arrived). She always had texture to her hair, and a bit of curl....but, we were surprised to find her one morning with the curliest hair! I thought it was perhaps the humidity...but, they stuck! I adore them, but I am sure one day I will find her in her room with the straightener. ugh. I will admit, though, that I wish they made a line of baby hair care products, because her hair can be pretty frizzy. Let's see...What else? Anna has eight teeth (not sure if I have mentioned that before), and is becoming more independent. She loves to feed herself finger foods, she entertains herself in the crib for hours (while she should be napping), and although she still isn't crawling, she manages to get to whatever she wants. OH - just today, she pulled herself to a standing position while in the Pack 'N Play. Her favorite thing to do at the moment is to walk around the house holding Mommy and/or Daddy's hands. She smiles and shrieks with delight the entire time. I guess that means I better watch out when she can do it on her own. I think the Lord must be holding it off to make sure I am ready. :).

On a more negative note, my "give-me-food-I-will-eat-anything-with-a-smile" girl, is now my "ew-yuck-i-don't-want-to-eat-that-food-[enter scream here]" girl. What's a mother to do? I cannot be mad at this behavior....if you know me well, then you know where she got it. it just amazes me how quickly her tastes can change. She has been sick with a cough, runny nose and a case of the sneezes for at least 3 weeks now. I am sure it is allergies. The pollen here is ridiculous, our deck is yellow. So, we are keeping the air on, windows closed to try and reduce the allergens. Hopefully, this helps.

On the home front...we are Dan is finally getting some things accomplished around the house. The basement is getting painted, the deck has new furniture, a new hot water heater is being delivered, and the house got measured for new carpet today. Can i get an Amen? though this is all great, it leaves us very busy (and penny-less). I cannot wait until all is done and we can enjoy the hard work.

I have to upload photos, so tomorrow I am planning a "photo only" blog as a way to catch you up...and as a way to show you my beautiful daughter. Aren't mothers supposed to brag? :).