Monday, May 12, 2008


Here is what happened while Mommy was on a "blog break." (Not in any particular order.) Enjoy....

Mommy made my pack 'n play into a ball pit. I enjoyed it for about 5 minutes, then, i was bored with it. thank you, mommy.

I really enjoyed playing with my stuffed animals. I have quite the imagination already.

Mommy and I spent a lot of time at the park. I love to swing, especially while sticking out my tongue :).
Daddy took off from work on his birthday so we could all go to the zoo together. Mommy put these sunglasses on my face....I let her take a picture, then ripped them right off!
Mommy kept trying to take my picture, but i was too busy looking at all of the animals.

these pictures are from the day I woke up with curly hair. Mommy was so happy. Silly Mommy.

And, finally, i learned how to hold and use a sippy cup all by myself....although, I still won't drink milk, no matter how many times they try to sneak it to me!


Bekah said...

shannon, Anna is so beautiful and i love her curls!!! :) i love all of the little comments about the pictures! :) she's a cutie!